Group box break: 05-06 sweet shot basketball

joshsmith said:
not sure on that one brian, Ill let Joe make that call

But my best bet will say he will spend the 16 dollars for the bulls.

Yea I know, I wish I had gotten the bulls on the last one. I need some more Bulls singles.
bballheaven, you dont have a right to a team until thursday at 9, since you didn't get in on the last break. Then you can choose from anything availabe after that point.

Well I had the Bobcats last break and would like them again. I see they have already been granted to someone else? So i would like the Bobcats again if you are offering first dibs to team owners from last break.. Thanks.
scubakuda19 said:
Well I had the Bobcats last break and would like them again. I see they have already been granted to someone else? So i would like the Bobcats again if you are offering first dibs to team owners from last break.. Thanks.

You are right. Ill look into it.