Got some Doucet's in the mail today!


Bench Warmer
Well I have alot more incoming but got these today!



Also got a

Leaf Rookie and Stars Dressed for success auto redemption

That makes 5 Doucet autos so far counting the redemption. I have some more incoming maybe they will get here tomorrow!
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The start of a great Doucet collection :clap:

It is coming along pretty good I won 3 other redemptions for his stuff today. I am not sure if he is going to be in exquisite or not I will have to look it up. If so I am going after one when they come out. Lets just hope he signs his dang cards now :doh:
Nice cards, I think he will be a good player in a few years with lots of upside in the hobby world.

Thanks with Boldin looking to be on his way out I think he will be a good number 3 WR nexy season maybe have a season like Breaston did this season :)