Baseball Getting into baseball, need your help!


Cameron Maybin Collector
I dont understand how the rookie works. Some people and most I dont. Example I wanted to get a few Barry Bonds record, some say his rookie is 86 and some say 87, I dont know which ones to pick up. Is 86 his XRC or rookie?

Same goes for the new class, another guy I wanted to do is Cameron Maybin. From my understand he is a rookie in 2006. Which means his Bowman (Chrome), Bowman Draft (Chrome), Bowman Heritage and Bowman Sterling are his rookies. Is this correct.

Also collecting this players and need to know if these are the correct rookie years.

Dunn, Adam - 1999
Granderson, Curtis - 2002
Miller, Andrew - 2007 (Im sure on this one)

Do you think a rookie card is when the prospect makes his first year in the majors (this card would have the rookie stamp on it) or do u consider the prospect card (if the player has one) as a true rookie? Really need your help, thanks.
well as you said, some are XRC some are not

86 bonds cards I beleive are all XRC

the UD Propsect Premier RCs are XRC cards. It really doesnt matter to me if its an XRC or a RC.

As of right now, the new ROOKIE CARD is the one with the MLBPA rookie card stamp on it.

However, cards before the stamp are still rookies and such.

Its really stupid, but you can tell which is the true rookie, especially bowman chrome, because the true one will sell much higher lol