Hockey Frozen Pond


my first trip to the pond.

i was a bit overwhelmed.

WOW what a huge amount of memoribilia

i like the seats from boston garden and the visitors bench from maple leaf gardens

awestruck is a word to describe how i felt

i bought a flyers stanley cup banner replica.

Let's go flyers!
Why didn't you call me? I wanted to take you over, and show you the owners office. He has tons of stuff like Don Cherry's jacket etc. There's about 1.5 million in inventory in the store. :eek: Call my cell, and at least leave me your number. Working all weekend, but we can hook up soon. Did you find AJ's?
Dont forget to take him to get his canadian citizenship, Ya have to make the whole thing official, I think the initiation is to listen to an ENTIRE Celine Dion album.