Free listings til end of the year


Transactions: 1

im prepped for auctions, but BIN/BO is the same price, so the crap i have 2-20 of im changing from auctions in 2 folders to 1 folder of BIN/BOs

thus far its taken me 3 hours :wall: and im not done...

ill get back to work on it in the morning and plan to launch around noon tomorrow...hopefully some toolbags want to buy :pop:
nothing like having an item listed for $4 when the last sale was $10 and people want it for $1.50 :wall:
new cycle listing, its the junk ive gotten over the past month that hasnt sold, which is most of it :doh:

put it up 3 day style, so itll end sunday during the late games, so hopefully someone goes off early :pray: or Paul Williams dies...i have a ton of that dude...

once this junk all ends ill get it ready for a month of BIN/BOs since i have the 5000 listings per month, then towards the end of november ill sync up again with the new and old...