First Post as a SCF


Bench Warmer
Hey there,

I just registered today. I hope to be a regular member on these boards. I currently trade on the Sports Card Forum, and on Spawn's sports portion of their website. That is where I heard about this place.

Well, here's a little about myself:

I'm a huge Habs fan, though I don't collect Habs. I collect Roberto Luongo Game-used, autos and RCs. My oldest son, who is 12, collects Ryan Getzlaf. I have started him a little on his collection, and will be looking to add to it here, hopefully.

I used to collect football cards but gave it up for hockey. I am trying to move out the rest of my collection. I used to be a 49ers collector and have some game-used, autos and RCs of them to pass along for my wants.

I live in a small town just east of Winnipeg with my wife and our 5 children (12, 10, 10, 9, and 9-months). All my boys want to collect, but the younger two (of 3) don't take care of anything yet, so we're building up to that.

Anyway, I hope to talk with you all on a regular basis and hope to complete some trades along the way. Thanks for the long read.

Welcome to the site. Join us in the chat room for trades on Thursday and Sunday. Feel free to drop in there any time for trades and fun. Enjoy yourself here.
welcome to freaks , please join us in the chat room for trade nights, thursday and sunday, 9 pm eastern for trading, discussion, and contests

But, pop in the room anytime and let’s make a deal!
Any questions pertaining to the site, don’t hesitate to ask me , or another staff member.

Keep an eye open for contests featuring great prizes!
