Favorite Wrestling Movie?

there was a movie with Roddy Piper called Body Slam that was pretty bad but i love the 80 s cheese movies. o yeah and the guy that played face from the a team is in it as well as cpt lou
Admin said:
I actually liked Nacho Libre. Jack is hilarious.

He does have his moments. I particualarly liked the part in "The Jackal" where Bruce Willis shot his arm off then turned him into a human chunk of swiss cheese. Heh Heh Heh ;)
parep2001 said:
there was a movie with Roddy Piper called Body Slam that was pretty bad but i love the 80 s cheese movies. o yeah and the guy that played face from the a team is in it as well as cpt lou

THAT IS A CLASSIC!!!!!!!! Get's my vote.