Football Fake auction on ebay. zinger222: selling fake patches!!!

Your proof that they are fake?

There is a VERY good chance these are real and you are opening up this site to legal issues if defemation.
kutzy said:
Your proof that they are fake?

There is a VERY good chance these are real and you are opening up this site to legal issues if defemation.
zinger is known for faking patches...the lendale white exquisite might be real...can't really tell
I cant beleive I'm going to say this... BUT .... I agree with southhawks23....
(I think i just threw up in my mouth a little)

the Exquisite appears to be real..... but the other 2....they match up pretty well as ONE piece.... seems a BIT odd
ac-n-mike said:
I cant beleive I'm going to say this... BUT .... I agree with southhawks23....
(I think i just threw up in my mouth a little)

the Exquisite appears to be real..... but the other 2....they match up pretty well as ONE piece.... seems a BIT odd
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: HEY! lol:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
They are both jersey PRIME, low #'d. Also, I would think a fake would A. be of a better player, and B. be a little less obvious as far as the details. Also, the patches are well set within the card. Furthermore, what is the explanation of 100% FB being "KNOWN FOR FAKING PATCHES?"
On the /25, I notice a spot on the top of the piece of jersey. It looks a bit different, it could be a weird shadow. Anyone have any insight on it?
Admin said:
On the /25, I notice a spot on the top of the piece of jersey. It looks a bit different, it could be a weird shadow. Anyone have any insight on it?

You are referring I believe, to part of the NFL shield logo or another part of the printing of the card design, Joe. At initial glance, it could be misconstrued as an upturn of the foil that would evidence tampering. Mainly if you had the preconceived notion the card was a fake.
I am talking about the top edge of teh box that the Jersey is in. In general that edge doesn't look right to me. It could be the way that the card was scanned or the way the picture was taken. I agree that the 3rd one looks legit. I am not positive about the first two. I wonder if UD has images of these cards. Sometimes they take pictures to catch frauds later.
Like I said earlier in a different post! Absolute does not make logo patches like that! 2nd. if those were real patches, they would only be in national treasures and exquiste as a 1of1! Why would they make jumbo logos in a #/25? Thats just a joke!