Do not deal with Jaysfan....

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Tom R

Bench Warmer
I made a deal with him 3 weeks ago, and sent paypal for a Ryan Whitney 8x10 signature series card. Nothing my way and absolutely no communication. I will post if the situation changes, but I dont want anyone else falling to him. I hear he has some issues on other boards as well.


No personal info & please pm BSC about this
hmmmmm I'm not a mod.... although I aspire to reach that mighty plateau here again someday LOL, BUT...... I'm not sure this is how you should go about this... maybe PM a mod instead of a public bash.... they will add him to the banned/suspended or must send first deal if deemed necessary

Thanks for the suggestion. If the mods feel this is wrong, i have no problem pulling the information. I just do not want anyone else to make a deal with him until he makes good. Also, a mod does know about this situation.

it was a small sum of money, or believe me...I have ways to get what is owed to me. Even in Canada. I think Troy can attest to that.
Tom, I will try to find his phone number tonight through the info we have on him. I have his name, and address, which I gave to you, so I will also chat with dispute moderator BSC on what our next step should be. He is a pro in handling these sorts of situations, where I on the other hand, don't have the patience he has. :eek: :D I hadn't heard from you about this since I got you the address, so I had no idea what has transpired since on this matter. He also owes Bryan_Mc some stuff too, so we may have enough to contact the Goderich P.D. and report him on mail fraud charges. He also has had an issue on another board, so looks like he needs a wake up call. :mad: He has been put on MSF for the time being, so he will still be able to communicate with you should he sign on here.
troy, i got my stuff. and sent him a PM close to a week ago
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anyway i can help let me know
Bryan_Mc said:
troy, i got my stuff. and sent him a PM close to a week ago
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anyway i can help let me know

Good news. I think he is just a slow shipper, but we'll see. Just want Tom to get what's owed to him. The fact you got your stuff sounds promising. i have BSC on it.
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