Contest Over! FREE March Madness NCAA Basketball Tournament Contest

Team Random is are the teams that everybody ended up with:

1. 44. darkman1. 37. Boise St. (24 - 9)
2. 17. franklinguy522. 68. FDU (19-15)
3. 27. kpit19783. 21. lowa St. (19 - 13)
4. 30. dubby254. 40. Utah St. (26-8)
5. 10. dad3309@5. 5. UCLA (29-5)
6. 13. dlackey6. 3. Kansas (27-7)
7. 64. kclj5207. 45. Arizona St. (22 - 12)
8. 52. Jeff_FNG8. 43. Mississippi St. (21 - 12)
9. 56. kclj5209. 50. VCU (27-7)
10. 61. dad3309@10. 65. A&M-Corpus Christi (23-10)
11. 23. Creature of Slime11. 13. UConn (25-8)
12. 35. DaSoxFan12. 4. Purdue (295)
13. 28. bfd1313. 18. Duke (26-8)
14. 67. LarryG14. 28. Northwestern (21 - 11)
15. 43. tiggerfan112534@yaho15. 6. Texas (26-8)
16. 34. horfin16. 7. Arizona (286)
17. 48. bfd1317. 38. Penn St. (22-13)
18. 51. Jerry11418. 60. Colgate (26-8)
19. 53. Steelers887319. 19. Saint Mary's (CA) (26-7)
20. 40. darkman20. 57. Grand Canyon (2411)
21. 11. Brendan198721. 23. Kentucky (21 - 11)
22. 9. dubby2522. 63. Northern Ky. (22 - 12)
23. 21. Jeff_FNG23. 39. Southern California (22 - 10)
24. 65. northicehero9924. 62. UNC Asheville (27-7)
25. 29. northicehero9925. 35. Auburn (20-12)
26. 58. cornwellfamily26. 36. Illinois (2012)
27. 37. Warden1327. 27. Missouri (24-9)
28. 8. Steelers887328. 67. Southeast Mo. St. (1916)
29. 16. Mechjo1629. 10. Gonzaga (28 - 5)
30. 38. Steelers887330. 8. Marquette (28-6)
31. 50. LarryG31. 44. Pittsburgh (22-11)
32. 4. PAVI3932. 17. San Diego St. (27 - 6)
33. 60. LarryG33. 24. TCU (21-12)
34. 45. Mechjo1634. 31. Maryland (21-12)
35. 14. kpit197835. 34. West Virginia (19 - 14)
36. 39. franklinguy5236. 32. lowa (1913)
37. 57. northicehero9937. 49. Drake (27-7)
38. 47. ricky_mn38. 58. Montana St. (25) - 9)
39. 2. Creature of Slime39. 51. Kent St. (286)
40. 63. dubby2540. 30. Arkansas (20 - 13)
41. 33. dad3309@41. 25. Texas A&M (25 - 9)
42. 1. Waltdii42. 46. Nevada (22-10)
43. 49. rubypup43. 12. Xavier (25-9)
44. 62. Steelers887344. 14. Tennessee (23 - 10)
45. 68. Brendan198745. 26. Michigan St. (19 - 12)
46. 46. Alistair46. 59. Vermont (23-10)
47. 12. Criollos47. 48. Oral Roberts (30-4)
48. 54. Creature of Slime48. 20. Miami (FL) (25-7)
49. 25. Calsp349. 15. Indiana (22-11)
50. 32. gwynn_fan50. 52. lona (27-7)
51. 36. tiggerfan112534@yaho51. 64. Howard (22 - 12)
52. 18. darkman52. 47. Col. of Charleston (31-3)
53. 42. franklinguy5253. 11. Kansas St. (23-9)
54. 26. cornwellfamily54. 29. Memphis (26-8)
55. 22. Jts102855. 55. Kennesaw St. (26-8)
56. 19. kpit197856. 2. Houston (31-3)
57. 15. northicehero9957. 41. NC State (23-10)
58. 31. mcgwirenut58. 66. Texas Southern (14-20)
59. 59. bfd1359. 54. Louisiana (26- 7)
60. 20. darkman60. 1. Alabama (29-5)
61. 41. dlackey61. 56 UC Santa Barbara (27 - 7)
62. 6. Waltdii62. 16. Virginia (25 - 7)
63. 3. kclj52063. 22. Creighton (21 - 12)
64. 55. Jerry11464. 61. Princeton (21 - 8)
65. 7. tiggerfan112534@yaho65. 33. Fla. Atlantic (31-3)
66. 66. zlw166. 42. Providence (21 - 11)
67. 5. dlackey67. 9. Baylor (22-10)
68. 24. dad3309@68. 53. Furman (27-7)