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its ok hard feelings...but rules are rules ;) i DQed guys for's for a FREE box so I have to be strict LOL

1. Robert Parish
2. Len Bias
3. Dennis Rodman
4. Chucky Atkins, J.R. Bremer
5. Bob Pettit
6. Ft. Wayne, IN
7. John Amaechi
8. Adrian Dantley
9. San Diego Rockets
10. Five
11. Four
12. Johnny Kerr
13. Lloyd Free
14. Jason Kidd
15. Dave DeBusschere
LOL the SITE clock is NOT different (my computer clock does NOT match the site clock LOL I am going by the SITE clock LOL...

SORRY and you made 2 posts anyway...RULES CLEARLY state ONE guess

DOESNT MATTER you didnt get them all right anyway
LeChuck said:
1. Robert Parish
2. Len Bias
3. Dennis Rodman
4. Chucky Atkins, J.R. Bremer
5. Bob Pettit
6. Ft. Wayne, IN
7. John Amaechi
8. Adrian Dantley
9. San Diego Rockets
10. Five
11. Four
12. Johnny Kerr
13. Lloyd Free
14. Jason Kidd
15. Dave DeBusschere

no sir...nice to see you here though buddy ;)
ewils990 said:
but one was before 9 on the freaks clock so its not valid and so i made another guess.

and THAT is why you are DQed...please read the rules AGAIN lol you made a guess BEFORE 8CST lol thanks again for playing
Robert Parish
Len Bias
Dennis Rodman
Udonis Haslem, Marquis Daniels
Bob Petit
Fort Wayne
John Amaechi
Adrian Dantley
San Diego Rockets
Johnny Kerr
Lloyd Free
Jason Kidd
Dave DeBusschere
dconn315 said:
these are the right answers. if you copy them you will win. i cannot win. YOU ARE WELCOME.

You, my friend, are an idiot.

Copy his answers all day long if you want. I will guarentee you will not win.
adam this just proves that I'm the man.

I had this 100% correct 30 minutes after you listed. Then you took mod's freedom away.
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