Dec 27, 2023 #31 Mechjo16 Legend Transactions 1,091 5.00 star(s) Bids updated. Removed supply cost 2 days left
Dec 27, 2023 #35 LarryG Legend Transactions 1,012 5.00 star(s) Braves $21 Tigers $18 Royals $35 Pirates $16 Cardinals $26
Dec 28, 2023 #41 Mechjo16 Legend Transactions 1,091 5.00 star(s) If everyone agrees I can put a dupes base set together and have it auctioned for Charity. Dont think much will be needed since I have 1/3 of the set myself.
If everyone agrees I can put a dupes base set together and have it auctioned for Charity. Dont think much will be needed since I have 1/3 of the set myself.
Dec 29, 2023 #44 Mechjo16 Legend Transactions 1,091 5.00 star(s) Final push squad, let’s get there! Remember this product has 16 boxes vs the normal 10-12 Last edited: Dec 29, 2023