Calling all Greg Olsens!

BearsFan51 said:
ok what olsens r u even missing?

:D There arent a lot (a lot more if you include 1/1s and low numbered cards to 5, 10, etc), but there are some.

Im still missing a lot of the parallels from the Playoff NFL Playoffs and Topps Co-Signers sets. Theres some from Gridiron Gear and Absolute (they made a LOT of paralles and different numberings as well).

Missing a bunch from National Treasures and Exquisite still.

So.... who has some of those for me?

If you arent sure if I have it, just click my link in my sig.. its updated every time I get a new Olsen card in hand.. the only thing that isnt these is incoming cards.
oglesbyc said:
i have some nice olsens on my bucket let me know if you need any


Need this one:


bv $60

I could trade you this one:


Olsen Absolute RPM NFC Auto #/25 (bv $60)

Or you can check my bucket for some Bears and other teams I have available for trade (I have a LOT more Bears duplicates that havent been scanned yet if you are looking for something else).

I also have this Urlacher that doesnt book:


2006 Playoff Prestige Prestigous Pros Jersey Black #/15 (excuse the bad scan, dirty scanner with fingerprints)

LMK (via PM would work best, I dont get over here as often as I used to) Thanks!