Football Browns' Quinn still undecided on finger surgery


Bench Warmer
Browns quarterback Brady Quinn is still deciding whether to have surgery on his damaged right index finger. He didn't get much help making up his mind while passing the turkey and mashed potatoes around the Thanksgiving table.

"I don't have a bunch of family doctors, so they didn't have any more insight into the situation," he joked.

Quinn is done for the season after breaking the finger on his throwing hand, an injury he made worse by playing in Sunday's loss to the Houston Texans.

Doctors have given the second-year QB two options: have an operation or immobilize his finger in a splint for six weeks. It's possible even if Quinn chooses rest as his course of recovery, he may still need surgery if the injury doesn't heal properly.

He was asked if he's leaning in one direction.

"At this point, not really," Quinn said Friday before watching his teammates prepare for Sunday's game against Indianapolis. "I'll just sound out all the different advice and make a decision once I feel confident about something."

The medical advice he has gotten so far has been split.

"You're always going to get mixed opinions about it," he said. "In the end you have to do what you feel most comfortable with."

Making just his second career start, Quinn broke the tip of his finger and damaged a tendon on Nov. 17 against Buffalo. Although he knew there was a possibility of making it worse, and with surgery already presented as a viable option, Quinn chose to play last week against Houston.

He doesn't regret the decision and said he would make the same one again.

Quinn considers himself fortunate to have never needed any surgery, and admitted having his first one is a factor in his decision. He doesn't know exactly what the procedure will entail, but Quinn expects a pin to be inserted to stabilize the tendon and bone.

"I haven't researched a whole lot into what exactly the surgery would be," he said. "From my understanding, it would be a pin or a wire."

On Wednesday, Browns coach Romeo Crennel said despite the injury and the fact the former first-round draft pick played just one game when he was healthy, Quinn will be his starter next season. The comment was both surprising and presumptive because Crennel may not be back for his fifth season unless the Browns (4-7) finish with a flurry.

Nonetheless, Quinn was pleased to receive Crennel's endorsement.

"You have to feel very appreciative of that and you have to feel a lot of confidence when your coach is behind you, even through an injury and even through everything," he said "But this league's crazy. I just try to take things week to week and day to day and that's how I'm going to continue to look at it."