Bring Me Your Niners Autos/GU Willis, Mays, Dixon, Crabtree AND Rolando McClain/BAMA

tnd- The Raji and Mathews are part of a set. I obviously could use the Willis draft /5, but didn't see anything else at the moment. thanks for the look.
Moosehead said:
tnd- The Raji and Mathews are part of a set. I obviously could use the Willis draft /5, but didn't see anything else at the moment. thanks for the look.

thought it was a set but had to ask, what bv on the miller and ap. i would check but the last time i tried opg it was still down.
Mike- I like the Knowshon prime, but OPG is down.

Tnd- Not sure, I just pulled the Miller last night and OPG has been down all night and morning.... What a joke! I think it may be running 20% of the time over the past 3 months! I think the AP is 20 but don't quote me just yet!
Moosehead said:
Mike- I like the Knowshon prime, but OPG is down.

Tnd- Not sure, I just pulled the Miller last night and OPG has been down all night and morning.... What a joke! I think it may be running 20% of the time over the past 3 months! I think the AP is 20 but don't quote me just yet!
They are $25 each I could do the Moreno and I could throw in a Press Pass Crabtree jersey s/n 021/199. That would be in your favor
Mike- let me think on it, that's a decent offer.

Wise- as soon as OPG is back up I'll shoot you an offer. I have 2 spx so may be willing to do one of them for both of the Dixon's if the bv's match up, I also like the dwight clark if it's movable.
Moosehead said:
Mike- let me think on it, that's a decent offer.

Wise- as soon as OPG is back up I'll shoot you an offer. I have 2 spx so may be willing to do one of them for both of the Dixon's if the bv's match up, I also like the dwight clark if it's movable.
Ok lmk. BTW OPG is back up right now. I was just in there
Moosehead said:
Mike- let me think on it, that's a decent offer.

Wise- as soon as OPG is back up I'll shoot you an offer. I have 2 spx so may be willing to do one of them for both of the Dixon's if the bv's match up, I also like the dwight clark if it's movable.

Yep The clark is Movable Shoot me a pm when you get the opg.

Moosehead said:
this is the message I get " An Error Was Encountered

The URI you submitted has disallowed characters. "
I looked up the 2 Dixons for you. The Prospectus is $20 and the base is $10. It lets me right in. I don't know why you can't get in.