WTT Autos/GU/ect...


5.00 star(s)
Baseball Autos
22 Stad. Club SCBA-AZ Angel Zerpa(KC)
22 TC AC-ISA Jesus Sanchez(Miami)
22 TC RA-CT Curtis Terry (Tex)
21 Bow. Plat. CDA-EC Eric Cerantola(KC)
21 Stad. Chrome RC SCCBA-DD Dane Dunning(Texas)
21 Stad. Chrome RC SCBA-AA Albert Abreu(NYY)
21 Topps Chrome RA-MH Monte Harrison(Miami)
21 Topps Chrome RA-AGO Ashton Goudeau(Col)
21 Topps Chrome RA-CH Codi Heuer(CWS)
21 Topps Chrome RA-HM, Ref. # to 499 Humberto Mejia(Ari)
21 Topps 5 Star Rc FSA-EF Estevan Florial(NYY)
21 Topps Gold Label FA-CS Clarke Schmidt(NYY)
20 Bowman PA-EW Eli White(Tex)
20 Bowman Chrome CPA-KK Karl Kauffmann(Col)
20 Bowman Sterling BSPA-BMA Brennan Malone(Ari)
20 Stad. Club CA-JD Jaylin Davis(SF)
20 Topps 35th Ann. 85A-GCA Griffin Channing(Angels)
20 Topps 35th Ann. 85BA-TLS Tommy LaStella(Angels)
20 Topps Chrome RC RA-JT Jesus Tinoco(Col)
20 Topps Chrome RC RA-BG Brusdar Graterol(Minn)
20 Topps Chrome RC RA-MT Matt Thaiss(LAA)
20 Topps Chrome RC RA-HH Hunter Harvey(O's)
20 Topps Pro Debut PD-157 Jared Triolo(West Virginia Black Bears,Pitt)
20 Topps Finest FA-MD RC Mauricio Dubon(SF)
20 Topps Finest FA-JY RC Jordan Yamamota(Miami)
20 Topps Gallery #22 RC Jesus Tinoco(Col)
20 Topps Gallery #126 Trevor Richards(TB)
20 Topps GQ GQA-JY Jordan Yamamota(Miami)
19 A & G Jesus Aguilar(Mil)
19 Bow. Chrome CPA-SHE Sam Hentges(Clev)
19 Bow. Chrome CPA-TP Ref. # to 499 Tyler Phillips(Tex)
19 Bow. Plat. TOP-2 Shervyen Newton(Mets)
19 Bow. Plat. TOP-40 Tristan Pompey(Miami)
19 Bow. Plat. TOP-54 Blaze Alexander (Ari)
19 Panini Prizm Red Rookie Prizm RA-AK Adam Kolarek(TB)
19 Topps Update 84A-RL Richard Lovelady(KC)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-AC Adam Cimber(Clev)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-HF Heath Fillmyer(KC)
19 Topps Chrome RC CUA-JB Jalen Beeks(TB)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-KK Kevin Kramer(Pitt)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-RB RC Ray Black(SF)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-JN, # to 499 Jacob Nix(SD)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-SG # to 150 Blue Stephen Gonzalves(Minn)
19 Topps Fire FA-JN Jacob Nix(SD)
18 Bowman Holiday # to 35 TH-SC Sam Carlson(Seat)
18 Bow. Prospects Jorge Guzman(Miami)
18 BC 1st CPA-TL Travis Lakins(Bos)
18 Stad. Club RC SCA-AB Anthony Banda(Ari)
18 Topps 83A-Parker Bridwell(LAA)
18 Topps 83A-Nicky Delmonico(CWS)
18 TC RA-TD Tyler Danish(CWS)
18 TC RA-VA Victor Arano(Phils)
18 TC HMT15 Chris Stratton(SF)
18 TC RA-TG T.Guerrero(Miami)
18 Topps Gallery RC #40 Miles Mikolas(St.L)
18 Topps Gallery #49 Daniel Mengden(Oak)
18 Topps Gallery #108, # to 50 Dillon Peters(Miami)
17 BC CPA-GJ Griffin Jax(Minn)
17 BC CPA-MG Miguel Gomez(SF)
17 Bow. Plat. TPA-TC Trevor Clifton(Cubs)
17 Panini Elite #112 Edwin Lora(Nats)
17 Optic RR Prizm # to 125 Lewis Brinson(Mil)
17 Stad. Club. SCA-TN Tyler Naquin(Clev)
17 TC RC RA-BM Bruce Maxwell(Oak)
17 TC RC RA-JHU Jason Hursh(Atl)
17 TC RC RA-TR T.J.Rivera(Mets)
16 A & G Cheyenne Woods(Golfer)
16 B.Best B16-GD Garrett Davila(KC)
16 BC CPA-JN 1st Bowman John Norwood(Miami)
16 BC 1st card CDA-RT Robert Tyler(Col)
16 BC # to 75 Green PPA-JG Javier Guerra(SD)
16 TC RC RA-RS Ross Stripling(LAD)
15 Bow. PA-MO Mike O'Neil(St.L)
15 BC BCA-DD Drew Dosch(O's)
15 BC BCA-JD Jeff Degano(NYY)
15 BC BCAP-PB Phil Bickford(SF)
15 BC BCAP-ZR 1st card Zac Reininger(Det)
15 BC BCAP-MRA Milton Ramos(Mets)
15 Finest FA-SM Steven Moya(Det)
15 GQ GQA-MT Michael Taylor(Wash)
15 Topps Career High CHA-MCL Matt Clark (Mil)
15 TC AR-JH John Holdzkom(Pitt)
15 TC Purple RC, # to 250 Yorman Rodriguez(Cinn)
14 Bow. Sterlng BSPA-TB Tyler Beebe(SF)
14 TC #108 Jake Marisnick RC(Miami)
98 SP Auth. Chirography Ben Grieve(A's)

Baseball Game Used
23 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-AM A.McCuthchen(Mil)
23 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CM C.Mullins(O's)
22 A & G AGRA-DM D.J.LeMahieu(NYY)
22 A & G AGRA-DW D.Williams(Mil)
22 A & G AGRA-ZW Z.Wheeler(Phils)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-DK D.Keuchel(CWS)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-YM Y.Moncado(CWS)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-ABI Bat A.Benintendi(KC)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-GU G.Urshela(Minn)
22 Topps MLM-SB S. Baez(TB)
22 Topps MLM-WC W.Contreras(Cubs)
22 Topps MLM-AM A.Meadows(TB)
22 Topps Opening Day Mementos AFP Banner C.Yelich(Mil)
21 A & G Bat MFR-AR A.Rendon(LAA)
21 A & G Bat M.Harrison Rc(Miami)
21 A & G Jersey J.Jones(Det)
21 A & G Jersey L.Voit(NYY)
21 A & G Jersey W.Adames(TB)
21 A & G Jersey DeJong(St.L)
21 A & G Jersey N.Solak(Tex)
21 A & G Jersey I.Kiner-Falefa(Tex)
21 A & G Jersey C.Moran(Pitt)
21 A & G Jersey L.Giolito(CWS)
21 A & G Jersey C.Kimbrel(Cubs)
21 A & G Jersey W.Myers(SD)
21 Don. 87-DL D.Lamet(SD)
21 Don. 87M-SX S.Sanchez(Miami)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-TG T.Grisham(SD)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-JP J.Pederson(Cubs)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CB C.Biggio(Jays)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CB1 C.Biggio(Jays)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CC C.Correa(Hous)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-VG V.Gonzalez(LAD)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-SH S.Huff(Tex)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-JH J.Hader(Mil)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-AA A.Aquino(Reds)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-KH K.Hiura(Mil)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-CY C.Yelich(Mil)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-TS T.Story(Col)
21 Panini Chronicles #56 Ian Happ(Cubs)
21 Topps MLM-JL J.Luzardo(Oak)
21 Topps MLM-GT G.Torres(NYY)
21 Topps MLM-JL J.Luzardo(Oak)
21 Topps MLM-WC W.Contreras(Cubs)
21 Topps MLM-BL B.Lowe(TB)
21 Topps MLM-CP C.Pache(Atl)
21 Topps ASSC-MME M.Melancon(SD)
21 Topps ASSC-KG K.Gausman(SF)
21 Topps ASSC-AR A.Reyes(St.L)
21 Topps Update MLM-CP C.Pache(Atl)
21 Topps Holiday WRC-MH M.Haniger(Seat)
21 Topps Tier One # to 299 C.Biggio(Tor)
20 A & G FSRB-YG Y.Gurriel(Hous)
20 Abs. RT-YD Rookie Threads Yonathan Daza(Col)
20 Abs. Rookie Materials ARM-JY Jordan Yamamoto
20 Don. 86M-JK J.Kang(Pitt)
20 Topps Bat L.Cain(Mil)
20 Topps Bat J.Gallo(Tex)
20 Topps 85TR-CSO C.Santana(Clev)
20 Topps 85TR-MS M.Semien(Oak)
20 Topps MLM-AM A.Meadows(TB)
20 Topps MLM-ET E.Thames(Mil)
20 Topps MLM-JR J.T.Realmuto(Phils)
20 Topps MLM-JG Bat # to 199 J.Gallo(Tex)
20 Topps ASSC-TR T.Rodgers(Miami)
20 Topps A & G J.D.Martinez(Bos)
20 Topps A & G L.Servino(NYY)
20 Topps A & G FSRA-JLU J.Lucchesi(SD)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. E.Longoria(SF)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. J.McNeil(Mets)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. J.T.Realmuto(Phils)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. K.Bryant(Cubs)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. G.Urshela(NYY)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. G.Sanchez(NYY)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. Minor League CCR-IP I.Paredes(Toledo/Det)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. Minor League CCR-DV D.Varsho(Jackson Generals)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. Minor League CCR-BZ J.Balazovic(Pennsacola/Miami)
20 Topps Pro Debut Fragments of the Farm Carlos Cortes(Mets)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-KW K.Wong(St.L)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-CY C.Yelich(Mil)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-HD H.Dozier(KC)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-WC W.Contreras(Cubs)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-BBE B.Belt(SF)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-TS T.Story(Col)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-CT C.Tucker(Pitt)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-IH I.Happ(Cubs)
19 A & G FSRA-OH O.Herrera(Phils)
19 A & G FSRA-TG T.Glasnow(TB)
19 A & G FSRA-DD D.Dahl(Col)
19 A & G FSRA-B.Crawford(SF)
19 A & G FSRA-DG D.Gordon(Seat)
19 A & G FSRB-BZ B.Zobrist(Cubs)
19 A & G FSRB-CT C.Taylor(LAD)
19 A & G FSRB-EL Bat E.Longoria(SF)
19 A & G FSRB-ARO A.Rosario(Mets)
19 A & G FSRB-SP S.Perez(KC)
19 A & G FSRB-XB X.Bogaerts(Bos)
19 Don. 85M-EH E.Hosmer(KC)
19 Panini Elite Xtra-Ed. Prospect mat. PM-TD T.Davidson(Atl)
19 Panini Immaculate IQ-ES # to 99 Quad E.Suarez(Cinn)
19 Panini Immaculate IS-DH # to 49 D.Hudson(St.L)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. N.Syndergaard(Mets)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. C.Martinez(St.L)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. High CCR-LC # to 99 L.Cain(Mil)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Minor League Jesus Sanchez(Miami)
19 Topps Major League Series 1 K.Bryant(Cubs)
19 Topps Major League Series 1 S.Perez(KC)
19 Topps Major League Series 2 L.Severiino(NYY)
19 Topps Major League Series 2 E.Longoria Bat(SF)
19 Topps Major League Series 1 S.Gennett(Cinn)
19 Topps Major League All Star Update Series T.Story(Col)
19 Topps Major League All Star Update Series C.Morton(TB)
19 Topps Major League All Star Update Series J.McCann(CWS)
19 Topps Major League All Star Update Series C.Bellenger(LAD)
19 Topps 84R-AB A.Beltre(Tex)
19 Topps 84R-KD K.Davis(Oak)
19 Topps 84R-WM W.Myers(SD)
19 Topps 84R-KB K.Bryant(Cubs)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega J.D.Martinez(Bos)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega C.Bellinger(LAD)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega B.Buxton(Minn)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega H.Dozier(KC)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega N.Mazara(Tex)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega T.Story(Col)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega A.Rosario(Mets)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega M.Ozuna(St.L)
18 A & G H.Jon Benjamin(Voice Actor)
18 A & G FSRB-LS L.Serverino(NYY)
18 A & G FSRB-SG S.Gray(Cinn)
18 A & G FSRA-SG S.Gray(Cinn)
18 A & G FSRB-CS C.Sale(Bos)
18 A & G FSRB-RB R.Braun(Mil)
18 A & G FSRB-FH F.Hernandez(Seat)
18 A & G FSRB-JM J.D.Martinez(Bos)
18 Panini Diamond Kings DKM-MG M.Garver # to 99 Dual(Minn)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-TP T.Pham(St.L)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-MO M.Ozuna(Miami)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-NA N.Arenado(Col)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-WM W.Myers(SD)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-OA O.Arcia(Mil)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-TP T.Pham(St.L)
18 Topps Series 2 MLM-CB A.Rosario(Mets)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. D.J.LeMahieu(Yanks)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. A.Rizzo(Cubs)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. L.Cain(KC)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. J.Mauer(Minn)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. D.Gordan(Miami)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. B.Posey(SF)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. E.Longoria(TB)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. S.Perez(KC)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Z.Davies(Mil)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. E.Inciarte(Atl)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. E.Andrus(Texas)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Y.Puig(LAD)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Minor League L.Urias
18 Topps Fire # to 75 RC D.Fowler(Oak)
18 Topps Tier One, # to 335, T1R-CM C.Martinez(St.L)
18 Topps Tier One, # to 335, T1R-MTA M.Tanaka(NYY)
18 Topps Triple Threads # to 36 HR Streak J.Upton(LAA)
18 Topps Triple Threads # to 18 Extra Heroics C.Gonzalez(Col)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega A.Rizzo(Cubs)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega B.Zobrist(Cubs)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-BP B.Posey(SF)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega Bat R-JS J.Soler(KC)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-EE E.Encarnacion(Clev)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-JBE J.Bell(Pitt)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-JHE J.Heyward(Cubs)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-KS K.Schwarber(Cubs)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega Bat R-EL E.Longoria(SF)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-EH E.Hosmer(SD)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-MW M.Wacha(St.L)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-CB C.Blackmon(Col)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-SM S.Marte(Pitt)
17 A & G FSRA-JL J.Lester(Cubs)
17 A & G FSRA-JH J.Heyward(Cubs)
17 Panini Chronicles CS-MB M.Bumgarner(SF)
17 Topps MLM-GP G.Polonco(Pitt)
17 Topps Series 2 C.Archer MLM-CA(TB)
17 Topps All-Star Game ASR-CKL C.Kluber(Clev)
17 Topps Holiday R-AD A.Duvall(Reds)
17 Topps Holiday R-AJO A.Jones(O's)
17 Topps Holiday R-BHM B.Hamilton(Cinn)
17 Topps Holiday R-MCA M.Cabrera(Det)
17 Topps Holiday R-MTA M.Tanaka(NYY)
17 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-MCA M.Carpenter(St.L)
17 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-RC R.Cano(Seat)
17 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-BP B.Phillips(Cinn)
17 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CH C.Hamels(Texas)
17 Topps Tier One # to 331 DJ LaMahieu(Col)
17 Topps Tier One # to 331 C.Gonzlaez(Col)
16 A & G FSRB-MH M.Harvey(Mets)
16 A & G FSRB-CW C.Woods(Golfer)
16 A & G FSRA-KW K.Wong(St.L)
16 Elite Xtra DM-BB Dual # to 149 B.Brigman(Seat)
16 Panini Nat.Treasure # to 99 M.Bumgarner(SF)
16 Topps Scouting Report SRR-MHA M.Harvey(Mets)
16 Topps Scouting Report SRR-MW M.Wacha(St.L)
16 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Jersey G.Cole(Pitt)
16 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Jersey R.Cano(Seat)
15 A & G S.Perez(KC)
15 A & G T.D'Arnaud(Mets)
15 A & G M.Kalome(Crew Rower)
15 Topps Career High E.Longoria(TB)
15 Topps Career High J.Cueto(Cin)
15 Topps All Star Game STIT-JP J.Panik(SF)
15 Topps All Star Game STIT-JK J.Kipnis(Clev)
15 Topps All Star Game STIT-AB A.J.Burnett(Pitt)
15 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Jersey CCR-TL T.Lincecom(SF)
15 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Jersey CCR-DP D.Pedroia(Bos)
15 Topps Triple Threads # to 27 TTR-CKL2 Kimbrel(Atl)
14 Topps TR-AR A.Rod. (NYY)
14 Topps TR-DPR D.Price(TB)
14 Topps TR-BBE B.Belt(SF)
14 Topps All-Star Game ASR-GS G.Stanton(Miami)
14 Topps GQ R.Braun(Mil)
13 A & G AGFR-SS S.Strasburg(Wash)
13 Topps Chasing History CHR-JAH J.Heyward(Atl)
13 Topps Chasing History CHR-NC N.Cruz(Tex)
13 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-AJ A.Jones(O's)
13 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-HI H.Iwakuma(Seat)
13 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-JK J.Kipnis(Clev)
13 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-MMO M.Moore(TB)
13 Topps Pro Debut # to 120, Homer Mascot(Knights)
12 Topps Golden Mom. GMR-AGR A.Gordon(KC)
12 Topps GQ GQR-EL E.Longoria(TB)
11 A & G Jersey J.Werth(Nats)
11 Topps Lineage 1975 Mini Relics A.Soriano(Cubs)
11 Topps Heritage CCR-TT T.Tulowitzki(Col)
10 A & G Bat S.Victorino(Phils)
10 A & G Bat T.Tulowitzki(Col)
10 UD Game Jersey P.Martinez(Mets)
09 UD Spectrum Swatches SS-VG V.Guerrero(LAA)
07 A & G Bat H.Ramirez(Marlins)
07 Topps All-Star Stitches AS-PF P.Fielder(Mil)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 1 S.Rolen(St.L)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 1 M.Ramirez(Bos)
07 UD Ultimate Star SM-JU J.Morneau(Minn)
05 UD Take me out to the Ballgame Bat G.Sheffield(NYY)
05 UD Origins PB-TH T.Hudson(Atl)
04 Upper Deck Tools of the Stars, # to 250 Bat A.Rod(Texas)
03 Fleer Authentix JA-VG V.Guerrero(Mont)
02 Flair Jersey Heights L.Walker(Col)

17 Topps J.Robinson Comm. Patch F.Lindor(Clev)
18 Topps J.Robinson Comm. Patch J.Upton(LAA)
18 Topps J.Robinson Comm. Patch J.Abreu(CWS)
19 Topps Comm. Patch 150th Ann. R.Halladay(Tor)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-PA P.Alonso(Mets)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-JS J.Smoltz(Atl)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-MC M.Cabrera(Marlins)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-MS G.Stanton(Marlins)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-OS O.Smith(SD)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-RY R.Hoskins(Phils)
20 Topps Series 2 TPM-AR A.Rendon(LAA)
20 Topps Update TBC-JD J.Donaldson(Minn)
21 Topps Update T70P-TG T.Glavine(Atl)
21 Topps Update T70P-PM P.Molitor (Mil)
21 Topps Update T70P-RC R.Campanella(Brook)
21 Topps Update T70P-MM M.McGwire(Oak)
21 Topps Update T70P-KP K.Puckett(Minn)
21 Topps Series 2 T70P-BF B.Feller(Clev)
21 Topps Series 2 T70P-WM W.McCovey(SF)
21 Topps Series 2 T70P-WF W.Ford(NYY)
21 Topps Series 2 T70P-RH R.Henderson(Oak)
22 Topps Update BH-KB K.Bryant(Col)
23 Topps Series 1 CC-CM C.Morel(Cubs)
23 Topps Series 1 CC-JAB J.Abreu(CWS)
23 Topps Series 1 CC-JA # to 299(tiny nick on bottom middle) J.Altuve(Hous)
23 Topps Series 1 CC-EJ # to 299 E.Jiminez(CWS)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-KM K.Marte(Ari)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-FT F.Tatis(SD)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-CY C.Yelich(Mil)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-MC M.Cabrera(Det)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-SP S.Perez(KC)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-RD R.Devers(Bos)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-FF Blue F.Freeman(LAD)
23 Topps Series 1 88LL-8 J.Verlander(Hous)
23 Topps Series 1 88LL-18 C.Burnes(Mil)
23 Topps Series 1 88LL-21 R.Devers(Bos)

22 Topps OTAS-15 Votto(Cin)
22 Donruss Marvels M-9 Ohtani(LAD)

20 U-208 R.Arozarena(TB)

2022 Heritage Pin Ups for trade:
73PU-4 Franco
73PU-14 Tatis

2022 Topps series 2 & Update Helmets for trade:

2022 Topps series 1 Numbers comm. Patch
JV-Votto #19
AB-Bregman #2
BP-Posey #28
LR-Roberts #88
PA-Alonso #20
FT-Tatis #23
JS-Soto #22
SO-Ohtani #17
MC-Cabrera #24
GC Cole #45
CY Yelich #22
CK Kershaw #22

1993 Donruss Masters of the Game-Ex-Ex+
#4 Fred McGriff
#5 Ryne Sandberg
#6 Cal Ripken Jr.
#7 Jose Canseco
#9 Will Clark
#10 Roberto Alomar
#11 Juan Gonzalez
#13 Kirby Puckett

1987 Don.-Ex with white tip on corners
#375 T.Seaver-Bos

1987 Fleer-Ex with white tip on corners
#45 T.Seaver-Bos

1992 Topps Gold Winner-all Braves
#574 S.Avery
#631 A.Reynoso
#645 D.Sanders
#689 M.Lemke
#703 M.Wohlers
#770 S.Bream
#788 M.Stanton

1993 Score Gold Rush
#106 O.Nixon-Atl
#275 D.Berryhill-Atl

2010 Topps History of the World Series(HWS)
#5 B.Ruth
#6 Mantle
#8 E.Slaughter(STL)
#10 W.Ford

2010 History of the Game(HOTG)
#10 Ruth
#13 Ruth

2010 Topps Vintage Leaders (VLC)
#4 T.Speaker(Clev)
#9 O.Smith(STL)
#12 J.Robinson(LAD)
#14 M.Ott(NYG)
#21 N.Ryan(Texas)

2010 Topps Gold
#390 E.Santana(Angels)
#396 J.Westbrook(Clev)
#431 J.Raynor(Pitt)
#451 M.Saunders(Seat)
#554 R.Hernandez(Cinn)
#560 R.Rowland-Smith(Seat)

2010 Topps Peak Performance(PP)
#57 M.Scherzer(Ari)
#60 M.Schmidt(Phils)
#72 C.Billingsley(LAD)

2010 Legendary Lineage(LL)
#42 Gehrig/Pujols
#43 M.Schmidt/A.Rod
#51 J.Marichal/T.Lincecum

2010 Topps Cards Your Mom Threw Out(CMT)
#39 F.Thomas
#61 Al Kaline
#63 E.Banks
#66 W.Spahn
#67 W.McCovey
#71 E.Matthewson
#79 J.Marichal
#84 T.Seaver
#87 J.Morgan
#107 C.Jones
#110 C.Hamels

2010 Topps Black-Ex white showing on tip of corners
#156 T.Gwynn Jr.(SD)
#279 R.Wolf(LAD)

2010 Topps F.Thomas No Name #414

2010 Topps Million Card(TMC)
#12 G.Carter

2010 Topps Turkey Red(TR)
#23 M.Schmidt
#25 E.Banks
#45 R.Sandberg
#51 T.Hunter(Angels)
#79 R.Ibanez(Phils)
#86 B.Butler(KC)
#88 E.Mathews
#97 C.Headley(SD)

12 Topps Mini
TM-148 J.Morneau(Minn)

Looking for 50's,60's,70's cards back for these:
57 Topps #153 Karl Olson(Wash)Vg, 1/2 inch surface crease at top middle, would be Nm without it)
59 Topps #256 Jerry Davie(Det) would be Ex+ but letter B in ink on front below e.
60 Topps #513 Cubs Team Vg-small bend in upper left corner
70 Topps #10 Sam McDowell (Vg) light scratch or crease on botton
71 Topps Super #19 Rico Petrocelli(VG-O/C) Bos
71 Topps Super #27 Claude Osteen(VG-O/C) LA Dodgers
78 Topps #24 D.Money(Mil)
78 Topps #53 P.Garner(Pitt)
78 Topps #205 Victory Leaders(Carlton,Palmer,Leonard,Goltz)
78 Topps #242 B.Bonnell(Atl)
78 Topps #265 S.Bando(Mil)
78 Topps #285 S.Yeager(LAD)
78 Topps #297 W.Brusster(Phils)
78 Topps #425 S.Rodgers(Mont)
79 Topps Burger King #2 T.Munson(NYY)
80 Topps #192 Braves team-Ex
81 Topps #40 T.McGraw(Phils)
81 Topps #402 NL Champions(Phils)
81 Topps #664 White Sox Team
81 Topps #681 Mets Team
81 Topps #686 San Francisco Team
82 Topps #201 G.Brett IA(KC)
82 Topps #401 J.Bench IA(Reds)
82 Topps #715 W.Stargell(Pitt)
86 Gold Meadow with red back S.Garvey

I don't own a scanner
NO PWE TRADES ON GU/Commemorate Patches.
I collect Trout,J.Soto,Harper(In Phils uni), Acuna cards,old timers game used/autos in any sport and
current Braves,Yanks,Phils,Red Sox Game Used/autos or send me a trade list. I am doing these sets:
1952-1955,1957 & 1962 Topps VG, 1958-1961,1963-65 Topps in Ex cond. no slant cuts.
09 Topps Comm. Patches/2020 Topps 2020 Topps Jumbo Patches /2021 series 1 Hat logos, Pre 2016
Comm. patches. 2023 Topps comm patches, need some 2002-2008, 2010 Heritage SP's.
Will also take common GU/autos in pro uni from major companies in baseball 2016 and newer.
LMK if u need anything, I can usually find something. Thanks
Last edited:

2017 hertitage clubhouse relic willy adams gu
2010 topps gypsy queen ryan brun gu
2015 topps career highs ryan braun gu
Baseball Autos
22 Stad. Club SCBA-AZ Angel Zerpa(KC)
22 TC AC-ISA Jesus Sanchez(Miami)
22 TC RA-CT Curtis Terry (Tex)
21 Bow. Plat. CDA-EC Eric Cerantola(KC)
21 Stad. Chrome RC SCCBA-DD Dane Dunning(Texas)
21 Stad. Chrome RC SCBA-AA Albert Abreu(NYY)
21 Topps Chrome RA-MH Monte Harrison(Miami)
21 Topps Chrome RA-AGO Ashton Goudeau(Col)
21 Topps Chrome RA-CH Codi Heuer(CWS)
21 Topps Chrome RA-HM, Ref. # to 499 Humberto Mejia(Ari)
21 Topps 5 Star Rc FSA-EF Estevan Florial(NYY)
21 Topps Gold Label FA-CS Clarke Schmidt(NYY)
20 Bowman PA-EW Eli White(Tex)
20 Bowman Chrome CPA-KK Karl Kauffmann(Col)
20 Bowman Sterling BSPA-BMA Brennan Malone(Ari)
20 Stad. Club CA-JD Jaylin Davis(SF)
20 Topps 35th Ann. 85A-GCA Griffin Channing(Angels)
20 Topps 35th Ann. 85BA-TLS Tommy LaStella(Angels)
20 Topps Chrome RC RA-JT Jesus Tinoco(Col)
20 Topps Chrome RC RA-BG Brusdar Graterol(Minn)
20 Topps Chrome RC RA-MT Matt Thaiss(LAA)
20 Topps Chrome RC RA-HH Hunter Harvey(O's)
20 Topps Pro Debut PD-157 Jared Triolo(West Virginia Black Bears,Pitt)
20 Topps Finest FA-MD RC Mauricio Dubon(SF)
20 Topps Finest FA-JY RC Jordan Yamamota(Miami)
20 Topps Gallery #22 RC Jesus Tinoco(Col)
20 Topps Gallery #126 Trevor Richards(TB)
20 Topps GQ GQA-JY Jordan Yamamota(Miami)
20 Topps Heritage ROA-NH Nico Hoerner(Cubs)
20 Topps Tier 1 TITA-BWO Brandon Woodruff(Mil)
19 A & G Jesus Aguilar(Mil)
19 Bow. Chrome CPA-SHE Sam Hentges(Clev)
19 Bow. Chrome CPA-TP Ref. # to 499 Tyler Phillips(Tex)
19 Bow. Plat. TOP-2 Shervyen Newton(Mets)
19 Bow. Plat. TOP-40 Tristan Pompey(Miami)
19 Bow. Plat. TOP-54 Blaze Alexander (Ari)
19 Panini Prizm Red Rookie Prizm RA-AK Adam Kolarek(TB)
19 Topps Update 84A-RL Richard Lovelady(KC)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-AC Adam Cimber(Clev)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-HF Heath Fillmyer(KC)
19 Topps Chrome RC CUA-JB Jalen Beeks(TB)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-KK Kevin Kramer(Pitt)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-RB RC Ray Black(SF)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-JN, # to 499 Jacob Nix(SD)
19 Topps Chrome RC RA-SG # to 150 Blue Stephen Gonzalves(Minn)
19 Topps Fire FA-JN Jacob Nix(SD)
19 Topps Opening Day 126-A Harrison Bader(St.L)
19 Topps Opening Day 126-A Max Muncy(LAD)
18 Bowman Holiday # to 35 TH-SC Sam Carlson(Seat)
18 Bow. Prospects Jorge Guzman(Miami)
18 BC 1st CPA-TL Travis Lakins(Bos)
18 Stad. Club RC SCA-AB Anthony Banda(Ari)
18 Topps 83A-Parker Bridwell(LAA)
18 Topps 83A-Nicky Delmonico(CWS)
18 TC RA-TD Tyler Danish(CWS)
18 TC RA-VA Victor Arano(Phils)
18 TC HMT15 Chris Stratton(SF)
18 TC RA-TG T.Guerrero(Miami)
18 Topps Gallery RC #40 Miles Mikolas(St.L)
18 Topps Gallery #49 Daniel Mengden(Oak)
18 Topps Gallery #108, # to 50 Dillon Peters(Miami)
17 BC CPA-GJ Griffin Jax(Minn)
17 BC CPA-MG Miguel Gomez(SF)
17 Bow. Plat. TPA-MK Mitch Keller(Pitt)
17 Bow. Plat. TPA-TC Trevor Clifton(Cubs)
17 Optic RR Prizm # to 125 Lewis Brinson(Mil)
17 Stad. Club. SCA-TN Tyler Naquin(Clev)
17 TC RC RA-BM Bruce Maxwell(Oak)
17 TC RC RA-JHU Jason Hursh(Atl)
17 TC RC RA-TR T.J.Rivera(Mets)
16 A & G Cheyenne Woods(Golfer)
16 B.Best B16-GD Garrett Davila(KC)
16 BC CPA-JN 1st Bowman John Norwood(Miami)
16 BC 1st card CDA-RT Robert Tyler(Col)
16 BC # to 75 Green PPA-JG Javier Guerra(SD)
16 TC RC RA-RS Ross Stripling(LAD)
15 Bow. PA-MO Mike O'Neil(St.L)
15 BC BCA-DD Drew Dosch(O's)
15 BC BCA-JD Jeff Degano(NYY)
15 BC BCAP-PB Phil Bickford(SF)
15 BC BCAP-ZR 1st card Zac Reininger(Det)
15 BC BCAP-MRA Milton Ramos(Mets)
15 Finest FA-SM Steven Moya(Det)
15 GQ GQA-MT Michael Taylor(Wash)
15 Topps Career High CHA-MCL Matt Clark (Mil)
15 TC AR-JH John Holdzkom(Pitt)
15 TC Purple RC, # to 250 Yorman Rodriguez(Cinn)
14 Bow. Sterlng BSPA-TB Tyler Beebe(SF)
14 TC #108 Jake Marisnick RC(Miami)
98 SP Auth. Chirography Ben Grieve(A's)

Baseball Game Used
23 Topps MLM-JI Bat J.India(Cinn)
22 A & G AGRA-DM D.J.LeMahieu(NYY)
22 A & G AGRA-DW D.Williams(Mil)
22 A & G AGRA-ZW Z.Wheeler(Phils)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-DK D.Keuchel(CWS)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-YM Y.Moncado(CWS)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-ABI Bat A.Benintendi(KC)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-GU G.Urshela(Minn)
22 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-MS M.Scherzer(Mets)
22 Topps MLM-SB S. Baez(TB)
22 Topps MLM-AB A.Bregman(Hous)
22 Topps MLM-WC W.Contreras(Cubs)
22 Topps MLM-AM A.Meadows(TB)
22 Topps 87BR-ABE Bat A.Beltre(Tex)
22 Topps 87BR-WS # to 199 W.Smith(LAD)
22 Topps Opening Day Mementos AFP Banner C.Yelich(Mil)
21 A & G Bat MFR-AR A.Rendon(LAA)
21 A & G Bat M.Harrison Rc(Miami)
21 A & G Jersey J.Jones(Det)
21 A & G Jersey L.Voit(NYY)
21 A & G Jersey W.Adames(TB)
21 A & G Jersey DeJong(St.L)
21 A & G Jersey N.Solak(Tex)
21 A & G Jersey I.Kiner-Falefa(Tex)
21 A & G Jersey C.Moran(Pitt)
21 A & G Jersey L.Giolito(CWS)
21 A & G Jersey C.Kimbrel(Cubs)
21 A & G Jersey W.Myers(SD)
21 Don. 87-DL D.Lamet(SD)
21 Don. 87M-KT K.Tucker(Hous)
21 Don. 87M-SX S.Sanchez(Miami)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-TG T.Grisham(SD)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-JP J.Pederson(Cubs)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CB C.Biggio(Jays)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CB1 C.Biggio(Jays)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CC C.Correa(Hous)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-VG V.Gonzalez(LAD)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-SH S.Huff(Tex)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-JH J.Hader(Mil)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-AA A.Aquino(Reds)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-KH K.Hiura(Mil)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-CY C.Yelich(Mil)
21 Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CC-TS T.Story(Col)
21 Panini Chronicles #56 Ian Happ(Cubs)
21 Topps MLM-JL J.Luzardo(Oak)
21 Topps MLM-GT G.Torres(NYY)
21 Topps MLM-MM M.Machado(SD)
21 Topps MLM-JL J.Luzardo(Oak)
21 Topps MLM-DS D.Swanson(Atl)
21 Topps MLM-WC W.Contreras(Cubs)
21 Topps MLM-BL B.Lowe(TB)
21 Topps MLM-CP C.Pache(Atl)
21 Topps ASSC-MME M.Melancon(SD)
21 Topps ASSC-KG K.Gausman(SF)
21 Topps ASSC-AR A.Reyes(St.L)
21 Topps Update MLM-CP C.Pache(Atl)
21 Topps Update MLM-WS W.Smith(LAD)
21 Topps Holiday WRC-MH M.Haniger(Seat)
21 Topps Tier One # to 299 C.Biggio(Tor)
20 A & G FSRB-YG Y.Gurriel(Hous)
20 Abs. RT-YD Rookie Threads Yonathan Daza(Col)
20 Abs. Rookie Materials ARM-JY Jordan Yamamoto
20 Don. 86M-JK J.Kang(Pitt)
20 Topps Bat L.Cain(Mil)
20 Topps Bat J.Gallo(Tex)
20 Topps 85TR-AB A.Bregman(Hous)
20 Topps 85TR-KB K.Bryant(Cubs)
20 Topps 85TR-CSO C.Santana(Clev)
20 Topps 85TR-MS M.Semien(Oak)
20 Topps MLM-AM A.Meadows(TB)
20 Topps MLM-ET E.Thames(Mil)
20 Topps MLM-CC # to 199 CC Sabathia(NYY)
20 Topps MLM-JR J.T.Realmuto(Phils)
20 Topps MLM-AR A.Rizzo(Cubs)
20 Topps MLM-SG S.Gray(Cinn)
20 Topps MLM-JG Bat # to 199 J.Gallo(Tex)
20 Topps ASSC-TR T.Rodgers(Miami)
20 Topps A & G J.D.Martinez(Bos)
20 Topps A & G S.Gray(Cinn)
20 Topps A & G L.Servino(NYY)
20 Topps A & G FSRA-JLU J.Lucchesi(SD)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. E.Longoria(SF)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. J.McNeil(Mets)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. J.T.Realmuto(Phils)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. K.Bryant(Cubs)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. G.Urshela(NYY)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. G.Sanchez(NYY)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. Minor League CCR-IP I.Paredes(Toledo/Det)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. Minor League CCR-DV D.Varsho(Jackson Generals)
20 Topps Heritage Club. Coll. Minor League CCR-BZ J.Balazovic(Pennsacola/Miami)
20 Topps Pro Debut Fragments of the Farm Carlos Cortes(Mets)
20 Topps Tribute # to 27 TTR-SG2 S.Gray(Reds)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-KW K.Wong(St.L)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-XB R.Devers(Bos)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-CY C.Yelich(Mil)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-HD H.Dozier(KC)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-WC W.Contreras(Cubs)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-BBE B.Belt(SF)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-TS T.Story(Col)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-CT C.Tucker(Pitt)
20 Topps Walmart WHR-IH I.Happ(Cubs)
19 A & G FSRA-OH O.Herrera(Phils)
19 A & G FSRA-TG T.Glasnow(TB)
19 A & G FSRA-DD D.Dahl(Col)
19 A & G FSRA-B.Crawford(SF)
19 A & G FSRA-DG D.Gordon(Seat)
19 A & G FSRB-BZ B.Zobrist(Cubs)
19 A & G FSRB-RH R.Hoskins(Phils)
19 A & G FSRB-CT C.Taylor(LAD)
19 A & G FSRB-EL Bat E.Longoria(SF)
19 A & G FSRB-ARO A.Rosario(Mets)
19 A & G FSRB-SP S.Perez(KC)
19 A & G FSRB-XB X.Bogaerts(Bos)
19 Don. 85M-EH E.Hosmer(KC)
19 Don. Majestic Mat. W.Buehler(LAD)
19 Panini Elite Xtra-Ed. Prospect mat. PM-TD T.Davidson(Atl)
19 Panini Immaculate IQ-ES # to 99 Quad E.Suarez(Cinn)
19 Panini Immaculate IS-DH # to 49 D.Hudson(St.L)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. N.Syndergaard(Mets)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. C.Martinez(St.L)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. N.Arenado(Col)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. High CCR-LC # to 99 L.Cain(Mil)
19 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Minor League Jesus Sanchez(Miami)
19 Topps Major League Series 1 K.Bryant(Cubs)
19 Topps Major League Series 1 S.Perez(KC)
19 Topps Major League Series 2 L.Severiino(NYY)
19 Topps Major League Series 2 E.Longoria Bat(SF)
19 Topps Major League Series 1 S.Gennett(Cinn)
19 Topps Major League Jersey Series 1 J.Votto(Reds)
19 Topps Major League All Star Update Series T.Story(Col)
19 Topps Major League All Star Update Series C.Morton(TB)
19 Topps Major League All Star Update Series J.McCann(CWS)
19 Topps Major League All Star Update Series C.Bellenger(LAD)
19 Topps 84R-AB A.Beltre(Tex)
19 Topps 84R-KD K.Davis(Oak)
19 Topps 84R-WM W.Myers(SD)
19 Topps 84R-BP B.Posey(SF)
19 Topps 84R-KB K.Bryant(Cubs)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega J.D.Martinez(Bos)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega C.Bellinger(LAD)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega B.Buxton(Minn)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega H.Dozier(KC)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega N.Mazara(Tex)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega T.Story(Col)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega A.Rosario(Mets)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega B.Posey(SF)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega M.Ozuna(St.L)
18 A & G H.Jon Benjamin(Voice Actor)
18 A & G FSRB-LS L.Serverino(NYY)
18 A & G FSRB-SG S.Gray(Cinn)
18 A & G FSRA-SG S.Gray(Cinn)
18 A & G FSRB-CS C.Sale(Bos)
18 A & G FSRB-RB R.Braun(Mil)
18 A & G FSRB-FH F.Hernandez(Seat)
18 A & G FSRB-JM J.D.Martinez(Bos)
18 Panini Diamond Kings DKM-MG M.Garver # to 99 Dual(Minn)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-TP T.Pham(St.L)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-MO M.Ozuna(Miami)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-NA N.Arenado(Col)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-WM W.Myers(SD)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-OA O.Arcia(Mil)
18 Topps Series 1 MLM-TP T.Pham(St.L)
18 Topps Series 2 MLM-CB A.Rosario(Mets)
18 Topps Update All-Star Stitches AST-NA N.Arenado(Col)
18 Topps Update All-Star Stitches AST-ZG Z.Greinke(Ari)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. D.J.LeMahieu(Yanks)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. A.Rizzo(Cubs)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. L.Cain(KC)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. J.Mauer(Minn)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. D.Gordan(Miami)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. B.Posey(SF)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. E.Longoria(TB)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. S.Perez(KC)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Z.Davies(Mil)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. E.Inciarte(Atl)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. E.Andrus(Texas)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Y.Puig(LAD)
18 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Minor League L.Urias
18 Topps Fire # to 75 RC D.Fowler(Oak)
18 Topps Tier One, # to 335, T1R-CM C.Martinez(St.L)
18 Topps Tier One, # to 335, T1R-MTA M.Tanaka(NYY)
18 Topps Triple Threads # to 36 HR Streak J.Upton(LAA)
18 Topps Triple Threads # to 18 Extra Heroics C.Gonzalez(Col)
19 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega A.Rizzo(Cubs)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega B.Zobrist(Cubs)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-BP B.Posey(SF)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega Bat R-JS J.Soler(KC)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-EE E.Encarnacion(Clev)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-JBE J.Bell(Pitt)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-JHE J.Heyward(Cubs)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-KS K.Schwarber(Cubs)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega Bat R-EL E.Longoria(SF)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-EH E.Hosmer(SD)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-MW M.Wacha(St.L)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-CB C.Blackmon(Col)
18 Topps Walmart Holiday Mega R-SM S.Marte(Pitt)
17 A & G FSRA-JL J.Lester(Cubs)
17 A & G FSRA-JH J.Heyward(Cubs)
17 Panini Chronicles CS-MB M.Bumgarner(SF)
17 Topps MLM-GP G.Polonco(Pitt)
17 Topps Series 2 C.Archer MLM-CA(TB)
17 Topps All-Star Game ASR-CKL C.Kluber(Clev)
17 Topps Holiday R-AD A.Dunn(Reds)
17 Topps Holiday R-AJO A.Jones(O's)
17 Topps Holiday R-BHM B.Hamilton(Cinn)
17 Topps Holiday R-MCA M.Cabrera(Det)
17 Topps Holiday R-MTA M.Tanaka(NYY)
17 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-MCA M.Carpenter(St.L)
17 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-RC R.Cano(Seat)
17 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-BP B.Phillips(Cinn)
17 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. CCR-CH C.Hamels(Texas)
17 Topps Tier One # to 331 DJ LaMahieu(Col)
17 Topps Tier One # to 331 C.Gonzlaez(Col)
16 A & G FSRB-MH M.Harvey(Mets)
16 A & G FSRB-CW C.Woods(Golfer)
16 A & G FSRA-KW K.Wong(St.L)
16 Elite Xtra DM-BB Dual # to 149 B.Brigman(Seat)
16 Panini Nat.Treasure # to 99 M.Bumgarner(SF)
16 Topps Scouting Report SRR-MHA M.Harvey(Mets)
16 Topps Scouting Report SRR-MW M.Wacha(St.L)
16 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Jersey G.Cole(Pitt)
16 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Bat J.Abreu(CWS)
16 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Jersey R.Cano(Seat)
15 A & G S.Perez(KC)
15 A & G T.D'Arnaud(Mets)
15 A & G M.Kalome(Crew Rower)
15 Topps Career High M.Scherzer(Det)
15 Topps Career High E.Longoria(TB)
15 Topps Career High J.Cueto(Cin)
15 Topps All Star Game STIT-JP J.Panik(SF)
15 Topps All Star Game STIT-JK J.Kipnis(Clev)
15 Topps All Star Game STIT-AB A.J.Burnett(Pitt)
15 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Jersey CCR-TL T.Lincecom(SF)
15 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Coll. Jersey CCR-DP D.Pedroia(Bos)
15 Topps Triple Threads # to 27 TTR-CKL2 Kimbrel(Atl)
14 Topps TR-AR A.Rod. (NYY)
14 Topps TR-DPR D.Price(TB)
14 Topps TR-BBE B.Belt(SF)
14 Topps All-Star Game ASR-GS G.Stanton(Miami)
14 Topps GQ R.Braun(Mil)
13 A & G AGFR-SS S.Strasburg(Wash)
13 Topps Chasing History CHR-JAH J.Heyward(Atl)
13 Topps Chasing History CHR-NC N.Cruz(Tex)
13 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-AJ A.Jones(O's)
13 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-HI H.Iwakuma(Seat)
13 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-JK J.Kipnis(Clev)
13 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-MMO M.Moore(TB)
13 Topps Pro Debut # to 120, Homer Mascot(Knights)
12 Topps Golden Mom. GMR-AGR A.Gordon(KC)
12 Topps GQ GQR-EL E.Longoria(TB)
11 A & G Jersey J.Werth(Nats)
11 Topps Lineage 1975 Mini Relics A.Soriano(Cubs)
11 Topps Heritage CCR-TT T.Tulowitzki(Col)
10 A & G Bat S.Victorino(Phils)
10 A & G Bat T.Tulowitzki(Col)
10 UD Game Jersey P.Martinez(Mets)
09 UD Spectrum Swatches SS-VG V.Guerrero(LAA)
07 A & G Bat H.Ramirez(Marlins)
07 Topps All-Star Stitches AS-PF P.Fielder(Mil)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 1 S.Rolen(St.L)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 1 G.Sheffield(NYY)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 1 M.Ordonez(Det)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 1 DW D.Willis(Marlins)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 1 DW2 D.Willis(Marlins)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 2 Bat J.Damon(NYY)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 2 M.Cain(SF)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 2 A.Ramirez(Cubs)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 2 M.Tejada(O's)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 2 D.Willis(Marlins)
07 Topps Season Highlights Series 2 M.Teixeira(Tex)
07 Ultra Feel the Game M.Cabrera(Marlins)
07 UD Sweet Spot Sweet Swatch SW-JR J.Rollins(Phils
07 UD Ultimate Star SM-JU J.Morneau(Minn)
06 UD Game Materials R.Halladay(Tor)
05 UD Origins PB-TH T.Hudson(Atl)
04 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-GS G.Sheffield(NYY)
04 Topps All-Star Stitches ASR-SS S.Sosa(Cubs)
04 UD Sweet Threads STS-KW K.Wood(Cubs)
04 Upper Deck Tools of the Stars, # to 250 Bat A.Rod(Texas)
03 Fleer Authentix JA-VG V.Guerrero(Mont)
02 Flair Jersey Heights L.Walker(Col)
02 Topps Pristine Portions PP-CD C.Delgado(Jays)
02 UD Star Tributes ST-RC R.Clemens(NYY)
01 Fleer Premium Premium Heroes A.Jones(Atl)
01 Flair Showcae Sticks Bat R.Clemens
01 SP Game Ed. Jersey EM E.Martinez(Seat)
00 SP Game Bat Ed. POTG Bat GS G.Sheffield(LAD)
99 UD MVP Bat J.Bagwell(Hous)

17 Topps J.Robinson Comm. Patch F.Lindor(Clev)
18 Topps J.Robinson Comm. Patch J.Upton(LAA)
18 Topps J.Robinson Comm. Patch J.Abreu(CWS)
19 Topps Comm. Patch 150th Ann. R.Halladay(Tor)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-PA P.Alonso(Mets)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-JS J.Smoltz(Atl)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-MC M.Cabrera(Marlins)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-MS G.Stanton(Marlins)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-OS O.Smith(SD)
20 Topps Series 1 RCR-RY R.Hoskins(Phils)
20 Topps Series 2 TPM-AR A.Rendon(LAA)
20 Topps Update TBC-JD J.Donaldson(Minn)
21 Topps Update T70P-TG T.Glavine(Atl)
21 Topps Update T70P-PM P.Molitor (Mil)
21 Topps Update T70P-RC R.Campanella(Brook)
21 Topps Update T70P-MM M.McGwire(Oak)
21 Topps Update T70P-KP K.Puckett(Minn)
21 Topps Series 2 T70P-BF B.Feller(Clev)
21 Topps Series 2 T70P-WM W.McCovey(SF)
21 Topps Series 2 T70P-WF W.Ford(NYY)
21 Topps Series 2 T70P-RH R.Henderson(Oak)
22 Topps Update BH-KB K.Bryant(Col)
23 Topps Series 1 CC-CM C.Morel(Cubs)
23 Topps Series 1 CC-JAB J.Abreu(CWS)
23 Topps Series 1 CC-JA # to 299(tiny nick on bottom middle) J.Altuve(Hous)
23 Topps Series 1 CC-EJ # to 299 E.Jiminez(CWS)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-KM K.Marte(Ari)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-FT F.Tatis(SD)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-CY C.Yelich(Mil)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-MC M.Cabrera(Det)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-SP S.Perez(KC)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-RD R.Devers(Bos)
23 Topps Series 1 TLP-FF Blue F.Freeman(LAD)
23 Topps Series 1 88LL-8 J.Verlander(Hous)
23 Topps Series 1 88LL-18 C.Burnes(Mil)
23 Topps Series 1 88LL-21 R.Devers(Bos)

22 Topps OTAS-15 Votto(Cin)
22 Donruss Marvels M-9 Ohtani(LAD)

20 U-208 R.Arozarena(TB)

2022 Heritage Pin Ups for trade:
73PU-4 Franco
73PU-14 Tatis

2022 Topps series 2 & Update Helmets for trade:

2022 Topps series 1 Numbers comm. Patch
JV-Votto #19
AB-Bregman #2
BP-Posey #28
LR-Roberts #88
PA-Alonso #20
FT-Tatis #23
JS-Soto #22
SO-Ohtani #17
MC-Cabrera #24
GC Cole #45
CY Yelich #22
CK Kershaw #22

1993 Donruss Masters of the Game-Ex-Ex+
#4 Fred McGriff
#5 Ryne Sandberg
#6 Cal Ripken Jr.
#7 Jose Canseco
#9 Will Clark
#10 Roberto Alomar
#11 Juan Gonzalez
#13 Kirby Puckett

Looking for 50's,60's,70's cards back for these:
57 Topps #153 Karl Olson(Wash)Vg, 1/2 inch surface crease at top middle, would be Nm without it)
59 Topps #256 Jerry Davie(Det) would be Ex+ but letter B in ink on front below e.
60 Topps #513 Cubs Team Vg-small bend in upper left corner
70 Topps #10 Sam McDowell (Vg) light scratch or crease on botton
71 Topps Super #19 Rico Petrocelli(VG-O/C) Bos
71 Topps Super #27 Claude Osteen(VG-O/C) LA Dodgers
78 Topps #24 D.Money(Mil)
78 Topps #53 P.Garner(Pitt)
78 Topps #205 Victory Leaders(Carlton,Palmer,Leonard,Goltz)
78 Topps #242 B.Bonnell(Atl)
78 Topps #265 S.Bando(Mil)
78 Topps #285 S.Yeager(LAD)
78 Topps #297 W.Brusster(Phils)
78 Topps #425 S.Rodgers(Mont)
79 Topps Burger King #2 T.Munson(NYY)
80 Topps #192 Braves team-Ex
81 Topps #40 T.McGraw(Phils)
81 Topps #402 NL Champions(Phils)
81 Topps #664 White Sox Team
81 Topps #681 Mets Team
81 Topps #686 San Francisco Team
82 Topps #201 G.Brett IA(KC)
82 Topps #401 J.Bench IA(Reds)
82 Topps #715 W.Stargell(Pitt)
86 Gold Meadow with red back S.Garvey

I don't own a scanner
NO PWE TRADES ON GU/Commemorate Patches.
I collect Trout,J.Soto,Harper(In Phils uni), J.Rod cards,old timers game used/autos in any sport and
current Braves,Yanks,Phils,Red Sox Game Used/autos or send me a trade list. I am doing these sets:
1952-1955,1957 & 1962 Topps VG, 1958-1961,1963-65 Topps in Ex cond. no slant cuts.
09 Topps Comm. Patches/2020 Topps 2020 Topps Jumbo Patches /2021 series 1 Hat logos, Pre 2016
Comm. patches. 2023 Topps comm patches, need some 2001-2008, 2010,2023 Heritage SP's.
Will also take common GU/autos in pro uni from major companies in baseball 2016 and newer.
LMK if u need anything, I can usually find something. Thanks
First of all, I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have made my maiden voyage on the SCC site when some non-card people had caused me to be in a frustrated frame of mind that day. I referred to the site as "ineffective" which wasn't even the word I wanted to use. I meant to say "inefficient" and until I learn my way through the programming, it will be more inefficient than just sending the other party an email the way my other member sites do. Nonetheless, I remember when my dad was teaching me how to drive a clutch all those years ago. As we jerked down the road he told me that in a couple of weeks I would wonder why it was so tough. He was right. I think I've had 3 weeks experience on SCC so far, and I'm still learning. (Which by the way, does PM stand for Private Message or Personal Message? To me it means after noon!) I've made a lot of progress, and I'll soon not be embarrassing myself much anymore. Thanks for the help you gave me that first week; I hope I don't need you again in the future. Now as to your post - what is the trade value of your 2017 Bowman Platinum Mitch Keller autographed card?
Mark D.
First of all, I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have made my maiden voyage on the SCC site when some non-card people had caused me to be in a frustrated frame of mind that day. I referred to the site as "ineffective" which wasn't even the word I wanted to use. I meant to say "inefficient" and until I learn my way through the programming, it will be more inefficient than just sending the other party an email the way my other member sites do. Nonetheless, I remember when my dad was teaching me how to drive a clutch all those years ago. As we jerked down the road he told me that in a couple of weeks I would wonder why it was so tough. He was right. I think I've had 3 weeks experience on SCC so far, and I'm still learning. (Which by the way, does PM stand for Private Message or Personal Message? To me it means after noon!) I've made a lot of progress, and I'll soon not be embarrassing myself much anymore. Thanks for the help you gave me that first week; I hope I don't need you again in the future. Now as to your post - what is the trade value of your 2017 Bowman Platinum Mitch Keller autographed card?
Mark D.
Not sure what this is about but I am not Andy.
This card 17 Bow. Plat. TPA-MK Mitch Keller(Pitt) is available. I assume its in the $8-$12 range.
Not sure what this is about but I am not Andy.
This card 17 Bow. Plat. TPA-MK Mitch Keller(Pitt) is available. I assume its in the $8-$12 range.
Gary - Sorry about that Andy thing. I saw his name there at the bottom and I thought it was his post. As for trading for that Keller card, I have a VG 1962 #73 Nellie Fox. If you don't need it, I have some High #s that are VG. If you are like everyone else building that set, you probably need some of those.
U have any 61,63 or 64's? If not what #'s of 62's do u have that have decent centering(20/80) without creases. If u have pics pm me those. Thanks
U have any 61,63 or 64's? If not what #'s of 62's do u have that have decent centering(20/80) without creases. If u have pics pm me those. Thanks
Sorry for the delay in replying, Gary. Suddenly, I was in demand. Nearly all of my 1961-64 stars (Mathews, McCovey, etc.) are bigger values than the $8-$12 Keller autograph card. I scanned these lesser ones, but even the Stengel is a $30 card in NM. The Kaat may be the best match. lmk Thanks.


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I have the Kaat but not either of the other 2. Is there anything else I can add or PM me what else u r looking for.
Interested In topps chrome refractor cards. I got a lot of GU cards in recently. The older the refractor the more I’m interested. Much appreciated thanks Bri