Football Boxbreakers Hobby FB Black Friday Group Break - COMPLETE

Hey guys, it's that time of year where the Black Friday deals pop up here and there. The products for this break are undetermined as I want to be able to jump on the best deals as they show up but the focus (and most likely all the products) will continue to be from 2018 & 2019. It may include retail if the deal is right but because the base cards could be substantial, the cost which is $60/57 for this one does not include base vets so if you want those I will ask for an extra one-time total fee of $5 regardless of how many teams you have.
Hey, long time! I thought you quit the hobby. I miss your breaks. I didn't know you were alive and well here. As you may have heard, TCC closed down and many of us moved over here. No one else was doing FB breaks there. You are missed over there.

If you are doing a new break, you already know my team. Good to see you again.

19th Century Indiana Jones
If this break has a different list than the casebreakers group, I will take the Bucs in here as well and I'll add the Chiefs.