Football Boxbreakers Casebreakers Group Break - Topps Supreme Case - COMPLETE

NT has been good to the 49ers in the past so hopefully that will pan out for you!
Sorry about that, I thought they had been published before I left for the weekend. Trying to do it now but it's saying I waited too long. Not sure if I have to reload it but I'll figure it out and add the videos. The thread for NT should be up by the end of the day.
Chris what is your thought on Supreme after breaking the case? You like the product? I also would like all the base cards for the Panthers and Redskins thanks!
I liked it but it's very hit and miss with only 16-17 hits per case and not a whole lot of veteran hits although we did get a couple. Looking forward to NT as that's usually my favorite product of the year as I find it to be the best mix of vets and rookies although I know the sticker auto's turn a lot of people off.
I liked it but it's very hit and miss with only 16-17 hits per case and not a whole lot of veteran hits although we did get a couple. Looking forward to NT as that's usually my favorite product of the year as I find it to be the best mix of vets and rookies although I know the sticker auto's turn a lot of people off.

Yeah that is expected with a product like this. I am a fan of Supreme though and really liked 2014. That last box saved me with the Matt Jones hit! NT is nice but yeah I know a lot of people hate sticker autos.