Football Boxbreakers Casebreakers 2016 Prestige FB Case Group Break - COMPLETE

Need some more payments to come in before I can order the case. Hoping for a break this weekend but it may have to be pushed to next week.
Otter has dropped so the Vikings and Jets are available! This leaves us short of budget so we need 2 teams filled and another 4 draft slots sold to cover costs. If anyone has any interest in any available teams let me know. If we get desperate I can try selling slots on EBay.
Would love to pick up another team but just can't afford it this month especially with the next break at the end of the month.
Ok I ordered the case. If we can't fill the last full slot by Sunday evening I'll throw some teams up on eBay as we need to cover budget. With 3 day delivery from Blowout were probably looking at a Wednesday night break.