Football Boxbreakers 2017 Elite FB Case Group Break - COMPLETE

Sorry for the Delay, been out of town and came back to computer/internet problems. I'll give you the Bears, Chris and I'll drop the Vikings. I'll keep Cincy and Pitt but would entertain letting someone else take Pitt if they wanted.
Any update on this? And since it looks like we'll be floating about 10 draft slots I'll pick up another.
Ok guys, getting to be close to release time so we'll go with the 20 or so teams that we have. That puts the budget at $65 for the first team, $62 for each additional, and $20 for the optional draft slots. Please try to get payments in but hopefully no later than June 17th.
Purchased Gift cert, went a head and added another $20 for a draft slot if there are any available. As soon as they process it I'll send it.