Thanks Jason, I was actually just planning on starting up the bi-monthly hobby break but was just going to focus on the last 2 years with more of a focus on this years stuff. I was going to keep the cost a bit lower at $40/$38 for teams and only break every other month in hopes of filling a few more teams. I know that's a bit different than you proposed but if you are fine with that kind of set up I'd be happy to have you lead it and I would be in. If not I'll probably still do the bi-monthly hobby break but would encourage you to start up your own group as there's always room for more breaking!
As for the Casebreakers, I would like to space things out and right now the only semi-interesting product I see is Certified which releases July 26th which seems too soon to me as I want to do the Hobby break (or Dvashun's) in late July if possible. Are people ok if we wait to see what the late August products might be?