Beat the odds on a pack of Sterling - these guys all suck!


In an effort to spend less money on cards this year, I'm going to try to instill in myself a hatred for every football player that I get a card of.

First, my pickup:


Eugene frickin' Wilson, what a joke. This guy holds the record at Illinois for most deflected passes in a season. You know what that means? The idiot couldn't catch. Yeah, great record there, stone-hands!!

Then my pack of Sterling, turned out pretty good, makes it hard to hate these guys, but I'll give it my best:


Derek Stanley Rookie Card. Gee, better hold onto this one so I can get it signed in a few months when he's bagging my groceries!


Chad Johnson jersey. Ocho Cinco is the stupidest nickname I've ever heard. Translation - "eight five." Not even "eighty five" which is his number. The moron doesn't know the difference between a number and digits. And why Spanish? He doesn't look latino to me! Personally I would have gone German. "Acht funf" sounds frickin' awesome!!


D-bo?? Even worse frickin' nickname. At least nobody's ever heard "ocho cinco" as a nickname before, but anyone alive during the past two decades watched Friday!! C'mon Dwayne, how long did it take you to come up with that one? Or are those last two letters in your last name just two difficult for your pea-sized brain to figure out?


How the hell is Kolb pronounced "cob"? You're name is Kolb as in "bulb," not Kolb as in "job," jackass!!


And finally two fat idiots who couldn't lose enough weight to play a position like DE where they might actually make some real NFL money. And they call this Okoye guy a genius! If he's such a genius, then why does his signature look like "CW"? Got chicken wings on the brain??

God I hate these douchebags!!