Basketball Arenas, Crittenton PULL GUNS ON EACH OTHER!

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They both deserve to be banned and MAYBE a little jail time, at least a nice fine. This is a huge deal. Depending on Washington's Firearm's policy and if either of them had felonies on their records, etc. They could get in some serious trouble. I also doubt either of them were licensed to carry.

Talk about maturity with firearms, I can't believe these two teammates had firearms on them and pulled them on one another.

Arenas just had a issue with guns a month or so ago, he had brought firearms and had them in his locker.

As sports athletes, adults, role models to some, they just ruined it all!
The District of Columbia has basically the strictest gun laws in the U.S. You can't even have a firearm outside of your home there. The main question here is if any of their teammates are going to go on record and say that they witnessed the incident.

Arenas was basically caught with the guns in his locker when they searched after, but Crittenton was not. Arenas gun was licensed but it was licensed in the state of Virginia. From what I heard, the MINIMUM jail time if Arenas is found guilty is 5 YEARS MINIMUM. Looks like Agent 0 might soon be Inmate 0A65 0439.
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