Basketball Arenas, Crittenton PULL GUNS ON EACH OTHER!

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Prosper said:
Everyone acts like the guns are the problem, I think the gambling is a bigger problem. They should have a right to bare arms to protect themselves........

The bad people that shouldn't have guns will have guns, how do the good people protect themselves.......from the bad people......If logic serves me correctly I don't think a 911 call then dispatch will beat a bullet out of the chamber.

I understand what you're saying BUT guns did play a vital role in this problem. I'm all about my 2nd Amendment rights but with that right comes responsibility and that's something these two didn't take into consideration. Just b/c you own a gun doesn't give you the right to carry it everywhere you go, pull it on anyone due to any situation, etc. There are laws that everyone has to abide by, and these two didn't do that either.

I liked that(part I bolded) :cool:
Prosper said:
I believe that 5 years of Prison for this is an unjust punishment. I believe that both of these individuals are not a detriment to society and should NOT go to prison for this. Counseling and community service is a much better fit, these are icons that are capable of having a tremendous positive impact on our society. No one is perfect, a lesson can be learned here that lesson should not be to ROT in prison. This is a negative that can be a turned into a positive.

And will remain ignorant until enlightened. In this case I would use the words compassionate or merciful.

P.S. Indirectly attacking ones beliefs, not very classy in my book, lacks honor.

Very disappointed :(

Why in the world should they not go to prison? Illegal posession of a firearm is a felony,no matter how much you think these assclowns are icons or idols(which both are FAR from). They broke the laws that are in place,and they need to pay the price the same way any average joe walking down the street posessing an illegal firearm should.
HiEnd said:
Why in the world should they not go to prison? Illegal posession of a firearm is a felony,no matter how much you think these assclowns are icons or idols(which both are FAR from). They broke the laws that are in place,and they need to pay the price the same way any average joe walking down the street posessing an illegal firearm should.

Because the law was created to protect, throwing these "assclowns" in prison protects no one as they never were a threat. Just because these "assclowns" are not an icon or idol to you or myself. Does not mean that they are not icons or idols to someone else.

Just because a law is in place doesn't necessarily mean it is right. Certain laws are meant to broken. Average Joe should be able to carry a firearm as well.

I am pretty sure there was a law that said people could own people.....Slavery was never a good thing, throwing someone in jail for carrying a gun for protection is just another form of oppression.....

Here's a dandy law, which some people actually obeyed shame on them for not thinking for themselves.....hey they never should have ran, they should have stayed on that plantation and obeyed the law.

The U.S. Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, which forced law enforcement officials (even in states which had outlawed slavery) to aid in the capture of fugitive slaves.

Yeah its extreme, yeah its old, but when it was in place the government didn't think it was that bad. Just because something is/was law does not always make it right. I am sure this firearm law will change within the next 160 years after enough people see how ******** it is. Hopefully the judge in this case isn't as narrow-minded.

What does slavery have to do with the law against carrying a gun?

I'm closing this thread, as it's getting completely off course and is only a matter of time before someone takes it right over the edge.

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