Anyone have any 2006 bowman chrome uncirculated rookies or blue refractor autos for t

atrain2004 said:
79,109, 250, 241, 268

have any extras?

Sorry but I have all those and I dont have any dupes yet.I do need about 7 or 8 of your Blue refractor autos though if you want to move them.I have a bunch of Marshall stuff including the Lettermens set from threads.lmk
Pejarox7620 said:
so can u list anything u have high end?

Dude you said I had nothing that interest you and I told you that the only high end I have is in the bucket.Caddy rookie auto,Stovall TTT 1/1,Braylon rookie autos,Lebron auto patch,threads lettermens,etc,....How much are you looking to get out of the Leinart and I will tell you if I am interested?