Basketball All hail the Warriors

hornsfan92 said:
the dallas mavericks might of been this season the biggest dissapointment in the NBA..of all time. they had the best record in the league and at one point looked like they would break the nba's regular season record that the bulls held. I am simply in shock they lost this series. its really really dissapointing that they are out of the playoffs already after making it to the finals last year. It just goes to show you might only get one shot, and you better make the best of it because you might not be back ever. Hopefully, the mavs keep this great team together and come back next year with a vengance. If they keep the core of this team, i belive they will come back next year and win a championship.

We come back next year, with the same team, play the Warriors, and get torn apart.. no.

They need to get another big name on their team who can take over the team. Dirk obviously cannot take over a game by himself, he isn't physical enough, so he doesn't go in the middle to drive. Wish they would've got Iverson... He can take over the game.

Definatly shouldn't keep the same roster, though.
#11 Roy Williams said:
We come back next year, with the same team, play the Warriors, and get torn apart.. no.

They need to get another big name on their team who can take over the team. Dirk obviously cannot take over a game by himself, he isn't physical enough, so he doesn't go in the middle to drive. Wish they would've got Iverson... He can take over the game.

Definatly shouldn't keep the same roster, though.

i agree! thank you!!
I think we need to get better forwards. Dirk isn't a true forward because he shoots all the time, and doesn't get rebounds. We need a tough defender who can also score unlike Devean George.
You guys are all typical fans. Just because they have ONE bad playoff series, your ready to jump off the bandwagon and trade the whole team. The year before, the mavs were in the finals and should of been NBA champions if they didn't screw it up. You can't get much better than that. I know they lost, but please, Trade Dirk? yeah right. Blow up the roster? puhlease. You guys need to stop overreacting
Autonut1 said:
I think we need to get better forwards. Dirk isn't a true forward because he shoots all the time, and doesn't get rebounds. We need a tough defender who can also score unlike Devean George.

dirk doesn't get rebounds. right. In the warriors series, that was pretty much the only good thing he did. He averaged almost 12 rebounds per game! but your right, he doesn't get rebounds
The tallest player on the court at times for the warriors was 6' 8". Dirk is 7' thats a pretty big difference. And in the regular season, Dirk would just shoot and not even try to go inside. We are not just typical fans, we are fans who want to do the best for our team. If we couldn't make it past the 1st round this year, I don't think we will win the Championship next year especially with the suns getting better every year.
haha you sure did sound like a typical angry fan. "blow up the team!! trade dirk!!" is what you were saying in your pasts posts. all fans want the best for their team..but trading dirk or blowing up the core is not the answer..if we blew up the core of this team we wouldn't be back to being an elite team in at least 3 or 4 you really want that??
Can you quote me anywhere where I said to trade dirk or blow up the team??? I said that we should get a playmaker and make 1 or 2 changes.
i can't quote you in here, but in past conversations ive had with you i can remember you saying something along those lines