Football $7.2 thanks


Bench Warmer
Just shut your mouth, collect your giant paycheck, play 1 year, and then go some where else!!

"I am now prepared to sit out the year if the Bears don't trade me or release me," Briggs told via cell phone Monday. "I've played my last snap for them. I'll never play another down for Chicago again."

Briggs was scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent earlier this month but the Bears slapped him with the Franchise tag, which pretty much keeps him as their property for next season at a one-year salary of $7.2 million.

Briggs insists he will not play for a team that will use him for a year and see if he can hold up again rather than reward his two Pro Bowls with a long-term deal.

"People think I can't afford to sit out the year, I can take out loans to get me through that year just fine because eventually I'll have a deal somewhere," he said. "There are things I can do to make sure I'm fine financially if I sit out.

"I can also decide what other course of action I can take as the season gets closer. The Bears have shown I'm not in their long-term plans so if that's the case, I don't want to be here."

Last week GM Jerry Angelo faced the matter with his unhappy linebacker when he said on a conference call, "We have his rights, so he's on our football team. We feel that we're treating him very good. That's a lot of money he's making on a one year-deal. The strain really comes to us in terms of our cap and what we have to do for a one-year deal.

"Most of the times when you franchise a player they don't get traded. We will always listen to anything that we feel will be in our best interest. But when we did this, it was with the intent for him to be a Bear this year."

During the phone call, another interesting reason for leaving arose. Briggs, who is extremely close with the Bears' star Brian Urlacher, wants to run his own show somewhere and knows it can't happen with No. 54 manning the middle.

"I've talked to Brian about it," said Briggs. "I'm a competitor and I want the same thing he has. I've learned a lot from Brian as a player and a leader and I eventually want to be 'the man' somewhere. I want to be like him and have everything put on me too. Obviously I'll never be able to do that there.

"Still, had the Bears made me a long-term offer that I found acceptable, I probably would have sacrificed this desire and stayed. I don't want to be somewhere I'm not wanted long-term."

One of the rotten things about the Franchise tag is that it causes bad blood between players and the team. Briggs has gone from fan-favorite to villain in the course of a month as the always-passionate Chicago fans have taken offense to a guy saying he wants out.

"I see what the fans are saying and it's tough," he said. "They're angry and I want to be able to explain it myself because I love Chicago. There is a whole city of people angry at me all because I want to know where I'll be able to retire and have job security."

Usually in these situations, things get uglier before being resolved. How it moves to the next stage now is anyone's guess.
No Doubt! 1 year and he makes 7.2 Million .... and then moves on??? So what if he shadows Urlacher for another year. I swear sometimes the ball players get on my last nerve with this ish.
That is crazy, If I was the bears I would hit him with a fine. I would throw him out of all training facilities, and not budge until he publicly appologizes.
I feel ya on that Adam!

I understand some of these guys actually limp away from this game after their career's are done but seriously, if I had 80 million and could retire by say 35 the latest with a slight limp or some slight neurological damage (Romonowski) ... it wouldn't be that much of an issue to me. There are extreme cases where people become paralyzed or whatever and I think the league could take care of those players in the long run but the league needs to cut some of these players down to a reality level on the salaries in my opinion.

edit: but then again I make a measly 30G's a year, so I can't honestly say how I'd feel making 7.2 Million in a year PLAYING SPORTS!!
bhelser said:
Just shut your mouth, collect your giant paycheck, play 1 year, and then go some where else!!

"I am now prepared to sit out the year if the Bears don't trade me or release me," Briggs told via cell phone Monday. "I've played my last snap for them. I'll never play another down for Chicago again."

Briggs was scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent earlier this month but the Bears slapped him with the Franchise tag, which pretty much keeps him as their property for next season at a one-year salary of $7.2 million.

Briggs insists he will not play for a team that will use him for a year and see if he can hold up again rather than reward his two Pro Bowls with a long-term deal.

"People think I can't afford to sit out the year, I can take out loans to get me through that year just fine because eventually I'll have a deal somewhere," he said. "There are things I can do to make sure I'm fine financially if I sit out.

"I can also decide what other course of action I can take as the season gets closer. The Bears have shown I'm not in their long-term plans so if that's the case, I don't want to be here."

Last week GM Jerry Angelo faced the matter with his unhappy linebacker when he said on a conference call, "We have his rights, so he's on our football team. We feel that we're treating him very good. That's a lot of money he's making on a one year-deal. The strain really comes to us in terms of our cap and what we have to do for a one-year deal.

"Most of the times when you franchise a player they don't get traded. We will always listen to anything that we feel will be in our best interest. But when we did this, it was with the intent for him to be a Bear this year."

During the phone call, another interesting reason for leaving arose. Briggs, who is extremely close with the Bears' star Brian Urlacher, wants to run his own show somewhere and knows it can't happen with No. 54 manning the middle.

"I've talked to Brian about it," said Briggs. "I'm a competitor and I want the same thing he has. I've learned a lot from Brian as a player and a leader and I eventually want to be 'the man' somewhere. I want to be like him and have everything put on me too. Obviously I'll never be able to do that there.

"Still, had the Bears made me a long-term offer that I found acceptable, I probably would have sacrificed this desire and stayed. I don't want to be somewhere I'm not wanted long-term."

One of the rotten things about the Franchise tag is that it causes bad blood between players and the team. Briggs has gone from fan-favorite to villain in the course of a month as the always-passionate Chicago fans have taken offense to a guy saying he wants out.

"I see what the fans are saying and it's tough," he said. "They're angry and I want to be able to explain it myself because I love Chicago. There is a whole city of people angry at me all because I want to know where I'll be able to retire and have job security."

Usually in these situations, things get uglier before being resolved. How it moves to the next stage now is anyone's guess.

If any of us normal humans made the kind of money he has made the last few years we could survive for a while without working. This dude says he needs loans to survive.
Spoiled Brats these athletes are, and stupid at that.
I disagree...

He has woked his *** off and sacrificed his body. He has earned a top notch long term deal. You say, just play for the $7.2 Mil. and be happy, because it is a great salary, but you have to look deeper. If he could make $7.2 Mil./Year, he would be very happy! But it is only a one year deal. All it takes is one play, one injury, and one carear is OVER! Yes, he would have millions in the bank, but not as many as he could or should. He deserves a long term deal. Players work to get long term deals. He is not saying $7.2 Mil. is not enough. He is saying that he has earned the right to security, and the franchise tag, well, that gives none.
mvpsportscards said:
I disagree...

He has woked his *** off and sacrificed his body. He has earned a top notch long term deal. You say, just play for the $7.2 Mil. and be happy, because it is a great salary, but you have to look deeper. If he could make $7.2 Mil./Year, he would be very happy! But it is only a one year deal. All it takes is one play, one injury, and one carear is OVER! Yes, he would have millions in the bank, but not as many as he could or should. He deserves a long term deal. Players work to get long term deals. He is not saying $7.2 Mil. is not enough. He is saying that he has earned the right to security, and the franchise tag, well, that gives none.

Football contracts are not guaranteed. Even with a long term deal if he getrs injured they can pull the contract.
The franchise tag was given to him as a gets him paid the average of teh top 5 at his position, it is used a filler for 1 season, so they can work out the details later on

mvpsportscards said:
I disagree...

He has woked his *** off and sacrificed his body. He has earned a top notch long term deal. You say, just play for the $7.2 Mil. and be happy, because it is a great salary, but you have to look deeper. If he could make $7.2 Mil./Year, he would be very happy! But it is only a one year deal. All it takes is one play, one injury, and one carear is OVER! Yes, he would have millions in the bank, but not as many as he could or should. He deserves a long term deal. Players work to get long term deals. He is not saying $7.2 Mil. is not enough. He is saying that he has earned the right to security, and the franchise tag, well, that gives none.
With 7.2 Million in the bank any "average" joe could live the rest of their life peacefully and happy.

These athlete's are spoiled and they know it, that is why he is being a baby and crying about it. So he plays for 7.2 this year and shows his skill next year the Bears (or someone) re-sign him for 7 years $30 Million and over the course of 8 years he has made $37.2 Million. If for some freak reason he does get injured and never plays another snap hopefully he is smart enough to have saved some of that 7.2 million he made in one year and use it to his advantage.
bhelser said:
The franchise tag was given to him as a gets him paid the average of teh top 5 at his position, it is used a filler for 1 season, so they can work out the details later on
It's no reward to the players. There is a reason the majority of them that get tagged, hate it. Briggs could have made alot more going somewhere else ( not saying it's right ). Sad to say but most of it is about the $'s....
_CJ_ said:
It's no reward to the players. There is a reason the majority of them that get tagged, hate it. Briggs could have made alot more going somewhere else ( not saying it's right ). Sad to say but most of it is about the $'s....

There is no team that would make him the top 5 paid player at his position. NO TEAM!!! GUARANTEED. At most he would have made $4-$4.5 mil. He is just making excuses as to why he dosent want to stay in Chicago.

This is probably the best thing for him financially. He is guaranteed his 7.2 mil and he can do whatever he wants after that. He will probably NEVER make 7.2 mil ever again. If he wants to complain about the cash then he should honestly just shut up and play and try to get a 3rd pro bowl and get a contract with 7.2 mil for 4-5 years.