3 Box Group Break Of 08 Donruss Classic

dakota343 said:
Well put ac-n-mike .
However I did notice that Notre Dame HC Knute Rockne is in set. Who as far as I can see never played for any NFL team. I don't think this would count as "Most of the most expensive cards" in the set and don't even know if there are others. I imagine this would just go with the rookie free agents and be given away?

yes THAT is exactly correct..it would be givenaway in a contest HERE on the site FOR ALL TO SEE lol no "trickery" here LOL
Thats right. I will put every members name who bought teams in a hat and have my daughter draw the names for every card that goes into the contest with the exception of the baseball that goes to the members who didn't get good puls.
I'll take the TITANS and you got the SEAHAWKS so 4 teams left COME ON GUYS!!!!

Cardinals -
Buccaneers -
Bengals -
Jaguars -