2022 SCC Fantasy Baseball League


Staff member
5.00 star(s)
Hey all,

I was thinking it might be fun to get a fantasy league going for the site. My initial though was we all put up a $25ish value card (RC, Auto, GU) and we distribute prizes to 1st, 2nd, 3rd in a draft. I would be looking to get at least 10 teams so it’s not a bunch of All-Star teams and takes some strategy. If it all works out we could turn it into a keeper league and play every year. We’ve got a bit of time, so I’m just trying to judge the interest here. Let me know if you might be interested.

I’m also open to format…I’ve mostly only played traditional rotisserie, but head to head weekly is a format I’ve liked as well
I have no idea how fantasy baseball works, as I've never played, but definitely count me in!