The box has been ordered, and should be mailed out on Tuesday. If so, we should have it by Friday and can hopefully break either Friday or Saturday evening next weekend.
For whatever reason our boxes didn't get shipped out until today. The tracking number I have is still not showing anything for tracking, but I'm guessing that we won't get the cards until Monday now. I guess with the long holiday weekend they were just too far behind to get all the shipments out on Tuesday. So, would you guys want to break on a week night, or wait until the weekend?
Well, I finally got the tracking number to pull something up and it appears that our box won't be here until Monday, like I thought. Y'all let me know what night works for you. I'd like to have at least 3 of us in the room, if possible. There will be videos, and scans, either way.
Ok, here are the results from the random. What I did was make a list of all the leftover teams and random that list 3 times. Then, I put each member's name in the list 3 times (6 if you had 2 spots), and randomed that list 3 times. Then, I just matched those lines up to determine who gets what random teams.