romad97 said:
Ok thanks for th explanation. What about duals, triples and quads, etc..? Who gets those. Also what about old timers who's teams arent in the league anymore or moved cities? Is there a sticky somewhere that I missed that explains all this? Once again I appologize for the million questions.
it's OK I would rather you ask NOW rather than after the break
OLD TEAMS, go to the following
Baltimore Colts -Indianapolis Colt
Houston Oilers - Tennessee Titans
L.A. Rams - St Louis Rams
St Louis Cardinals - Arizona Cardinals
L.A. Raiders - Oakland Raiders
am I missing anyone?
MULTIPLE PLAYER CARDS will be randomed off on to the BUYERS of the teams on the cards...
for example
a card i pulled of
the member who bought the DOLPHINS/49ers/BEARS are the ONLY people elliglible to win that card os each has a 33.3% chance of winning it
IF 1 person owns the 49ers and Dolphins, then that person has a 66.6%chance of wining that card... make sense?
but again ONLY the teams on the multiple play cards are elligible for them
any other questions PLEASE feel free to ask