200 via pay pal to spend lmk what you have got

spud77 said:
The Garvey is pending unfortunately. I have a similar Scott Kazmir from a differnet Sweet Spot set. I am not sure if it is in my bucket.

The Cano I can sell or trade. Would you do $8 dlvd?

lmk how much for the kazmir and teh cano together thansk

dbackfan12 said:
PLease check my list and bucket and the Drew is for sale for a reasonable offer please i am broke...

lmk how much for the drew if the price is right i will buy

Dang it I missed it again only paypal huh well nvm im only 13 srry g/l with future buys...by the way 8 for the drew...
cincybearcats1 said:
check my bucket.... i can definitely use the money. but i don't have much baseball.

lmk how much each and individually for these

anthony gonzalez triple gu

calvin johnosn triple gu

ted williams ichiro dual

griffey jr auto
you tranfer it to your checking or savings account if you have one if you want $8 cash for the stephen drew auto i can send it through the mail if you want to do that
