1989 Score Project

Couple of good names in today:

Two successes in today:


Also, although they're not TTM, I know I have no chance in hell of getting a card signed by this guy TTM, let alone four. So, I got these through a private signing at a pretty decent price. They all have the Jerry Rice Authenticated hologram on back too:


I'm going to have to track down Joe now for this one:


And my favorite of the bunch:

those rice' are amazing! that joe and rice will look incredible when he puts his auto on it!
card companies need to look at these, cuz those cards look great w/a auto on them!
Another observation I made is that in this set Jerry Rice is featured on four cards with four different pictures. Nowadays it seems as if a company will use the same picture not only on every one of that player's cards within a given set, but even across multiple sets.
Boomer and Lomax were awesome when I was a kid.

The Rices are incredible.

Good Show young man!
Two more in. I was glad to get the Greene back. I've heard he's been finicky lately about signing. Shame the Warner got smudged:
