1989 Score Project

Most recent additions:


Actually Jameson gave me a link to one for sale, and I just grabbed it. I've found it's nearly impossible to get signatures from athletes in jail, so I chose not to waste my time.
Actually Jameson gave me a link to one for sale, and I just grabbed it. I've found it's nearly impossible to get signatures from athletes in jail, so I chose not to waste my time.
lol, congrats on getting him.
Nice work.....so far Zeeck!
I really need to get back on this wagon. It's been a long time since I've even sent anything out. I did get this one in the other day, though:

WOW Thats gonna be a fantastic project. LMK if BOZ signs. I here he is a prick lol But still one of my faorite all time Sooners. Later mike