12th man with the heart of gold...


Bench Warmer
...burgundy & gold that is!!!!!! Jason/cougarwash sent me this yesterday:



What a guy! Thanks again bro!!!!


Nice Jerey. I remember the game he got bitchslapped up and down the field by Steve Smith when he was with the Vikings. But very cool addition
Nice Jerey. I remember the game he got bitchslapped up and down the field by Steve Smith when he was with the Vikings. But very cool addition

Glad you like it. I know it has a good home now. As for Smith I think he can bitchslape any corner one on one. With Smoot back with the Skins he will play much better than he did as a Vikings.
I love that he ran his own website in college "Smootsmack.com" I was a fan and still am :clap:

Nice move by my fellow Hawks fan :D