10 things to look forward to this college football season (well worth the read!)

8) Your girlfriend/wife questioning your sanity

Somewhere between the broken remote control and you shouting repeated obscenities at a 37”-inch Samsung LCD TV, it’s bound to happen.

‘You’re crazy.’

She’s right. You are f***ing crazy. You’re bat-sh!t. And you know it. Then again, it’s the fall. 90,000 other people in hundreds of American cities go bat-sh!t every Saturday.

She just doesn’t understand. She’s a woman. And women are irrational. Women are so irrational they don’t understand why you spend 15% of your salary on season tickets and love your starting quarterback and hate your starting quarterback and love your starting quarterback and let the actions of 19 year-old strangers dictate your mood for one-fourth of the Caesarian calendar.

They just don't get it. Crazy bitches.
