Break Complete! 2021 Panini Stars and Stripes Random Pack Style Group Box Break


Staff member
5.00 star(s)
The Hits:


Here is the live link to the group box break:

This one is a little bit different. This product just released and I wanted to see if anybody might be interested in trying a RANDOM PACK STYLE group box break for ONE HOBBY BOX of the newly released 2021 PANINI STARS AND STRIPES BASEBALL?

Box Configuration:

-5 packs per box
-8 cards per pack
-5 Autograph OR Memorabilia cards per box
-5 Parallel cards per box

Product Info:

Here is how this break will work. There are 5 spots and the price is $20 per spot. Each spot gets you ONE RANDOM PACK and all of the cards in that pack! When the break fills I will randomize the list to get a random pack order and members in the break will get whatever pack they are assigned after randomization.

After you sign up I will add this to the Trade Manager along with my PayPal address.

Please let me know if anybody has any questions.

1. LarryG PAID
2. franklinguy52 PAID
3. darkman PAID
4. Molitor04x PAID
5. Steelers8873 PAID

1/1 Bounty:

Lowest Serial Number Card Bounty:
Last edited:
Changing the Leaf Memories College Football group break to this 2021 Panini Stars and Stripes baseball random pack break to see if there is more interest in this one.

Mike, I will go for a pack. Do I understand correctly that each pack probably has 1 auto or relic and 1 parallel card? Or am I reading it wrong?

Mike, I will go for a pack. Do I understand correctly that each pack probably has 1 auto or relic and 1 parallel card? Or am I reading it wrong?

Cool thanks Larry I’ll put you down for a pack. That is how I read it too although it doesn’t say that specifically. Assuming it is one hit per pack though.

Thanks everybody for filling this one up and for paying so quickly! The box has been ordered and is on the way. I’ll update everybody here when the break will be.

Please let me know if anybody has any questions.

The box is scheduled to be delivered today so let’s plan to do this break TODAY Thursday April 14th at 3:30pm PDT.

See you then!

Anybody have any idea who are top players to look for in this set? I have absolutely no clue. My sense is put these cards away for a few years and see who emerges (And not to forget I've stashed them somewhere!)

I would like to see one of those Whammy case hits of star players though.