Hello friends,
First off, I am Kevin, your new TTM moderator, and so happy to be here!! I have been collecting through the mail for 30 years, since 1992 (hard to believe that was over 30 years ago!!). My first TTM return was from the singer Dean Martin, and I was hooked! I started with celebrities, and that evolved into athletes, which then evolved into making custom cut autograph cards, which has now become more TTM items, which has all been a ton of fun!
So in this thread, I am going to post a basic tutorial, then update with additional thoughts of how to get the most out of your TTM experience!
** To start, you need a long letter size envelope, which you will put your return address on, and then address to the player or celebrity you are writing to. Typically a single stamp works just fine. I have always used forever stamps, since a few people have surprised me with returns after a very long period of time (Adam Vinatieri once returned a card signed to me after being gone almost 7 years!!).
TIP: Your return address ensures that if something goes wrong, your envelope gets returned to you. Some people put the celebrity's return address. That pretty much guarantees that if something gets returned to sender, it doesn't make it back to you!!
** You need a letter. Make it sincere, and keep it to one page. Note an accomplishment or special game or play. That makes the person you are writing to feel like you actually a. know who they are and b. care what they did during their career!
Another tip: ALWAYS HAND WRITE YOUR LETTER! I have done this, and have had a lot of success, since I feel like it is more personal. I have helped Tanner Houck (current pitcher for the Boston Red Sox) and his family handle his fanmail, as his mother is a friend and colleague of mine, and she knows I collect. Tanner gets MULTIPLE of the same letters from the same people, all typed and printed. That pretty much ensures that the items are for sale, and while he is happy to sign in good faith, it is rude to take advantage. So my best suggestion is to always handwrite your letter.
** You need items to get signed. You have a higher likelihood of getting a genuine signature if you send your own item. Sometimes you will get a preprint if you dont send your own item, and that is just disappointing.
TIP: Don't send a blank 3x5 card! I started out doing this since it was easy, and I was 11 when I started doing this! Now, a lot of people will not sign blank cards (in fact, the singer Kenny Rogers once wrote "Can't sign blank cards!" on the card I sent and sent me a preprint instead. BUMMER!)
** You need a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope). I use a smaller sized envelope that fits neatly in the main envelope. Your name and address go in the center, stamp in the upper right, and YOUR return address in the upper left.
TIP 1: Your return address gives you 2 chances of your items coming back!
TIP 2: Cut a piece of a manila folder to fit in your return envelope as protective cardboard, or use it to fold in half to place the cards in to protect them. Since I started doing this, I have not had any problems with damage in the mail!
Main envelope:


Cardboard and customs!


First off, I am Kevin, your new TTM moderator, and so happy to be here!! I have been collecting through the mail for 30 years, since 1992 (hard to believe that was over 30 years ago!!). My first TTM return was from the singer Dean Martin, and I was hooked! I started with celebrities, and that evolved into athletes, which then evolved into making custom cut autograph cards, which has now become more TTM items, which has all been a ton of fun!
So in this thread, I am going to post a basic tutorial, then update with additional thoughts of how to get the most out of your TTM experience!
** To start, you need a long letter size envelope, which you will put your return address on, and then address to the player or celebrity you are writing to. Typically a single stamp works just fine. I have always used forever stamps, since a few people have surprised me with returns after a very long period of time (Adam Vinatieri once returned a card signed to me after being gone almost 7 years!!).
TIP: Your return address ensures that if something goes wrong, your envelope gets returned to you. Some people put the celebrity's return address. That pretty much guarantees that if something gets returned to sender, it doesn't make it back to you!!
** You need a letter. Make it sincere, and keep it to one page. Note an accomplishment or special game or play. That makes the person you are writing to feel like you actually a. know who they are and b. care what they did during their career!
Another tip: ALWAYS HAND WRITE YOUR LETTER! I have done this, and have had a lot of success, since I feel like it is more personal. I have helped Tanner Houck (current pitcher for the Boston Red Sox) and his family handle his fanmail, as his mother is a friend and colleague of mine, and she knows I collect. Tanner gets MULTIPLE of the same letters from the same people, all typed and printed. That pretty much ensures that the items are for sale, and while he is happy to sign in good faith, it is rude to take advantage. So my best suggestion is to always handwrite your letter.
** You need items to get signed. You have a higher likelihood of getting a genuine signature if you send your own item. Sometimes you will get a preprint if you dont send your own item, and that is just disappointing.
TIP: Don't send a blank 3x5 card! I started out doing this since it was easy, and I was 11 when I started doing this! Now, a lot of people will not sign blank cards (in fact, the singer Kenny Rogers once wrote "Can't sign blank cards!" on the card I sent and sent me a preprint instead. BUMMER!)
** You need a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope). I use a smaller sized envelope that fits neatly in the main envelope. Your name and address go in the center, stamp in the upper right, and YOUR return address in the upper left.
TIP 1: Your return address gives you 2 chances of your items coming back!
TIP 2: Cut a piece of a manila folder to fit in your return envelope as protective cardboard, or use it to fold in half to place the cards in to protect them. Since I started doing this, I have not had any problems with damage in the mail!
Main envelope:


Cardboard and customs!


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