2014 Christmas In July - Secret Santa

Received cards from Kirk today. Thanks for the haul.

Included was a bunch of Brewers/Packers base along with A Bubba Frank jersey card, Rickie Weeks auto, and a rob Deer Auto. The coolest though was the kellogg's 3d superstars card of Yount. I still remember these from my younger days.

Glad you like them. I thought you would dig the Yount.
Got my package today. And I am very satisfied! Thank you to my Santa Claus from Washington, Illinois. I will post pics later, but a got a lot of Tigers and Lions cards, but the big one was an autographed Lance Parrish card!
Let's see some scans ppl

Thank you Santa! I received these cards in the mail a couple weeks ago and was both surprised and pleased.

A couple guys I hope to hear a lot about in the coming years.

I wish this guy had panned out for the Cardinals....

This made my jaw drop....how generous.

This made me pick my jaw up so I could smile. I've been wanting an auto of this guy.
That was a sweet XMAS. LOL