Welcome The Collectors Group


TP9 | VC15
5.00 star(s)
If you're reading this message it is because the TCG to TCZ migration was successful. Please join me in welcoming the members of TCG in as new TCZ members. I sincerely hope you'll all find a home here.

As I said in the announcements all of your data (including threads, posts, private messages, and avatars) should have been imported during the merge. If you notice any problems with any of your data, please let me know so that we can attempt to get it fixed.

Here are a few things you may want to check out before you get back to your normal posting.

Privacy Settings - Use this to hide parts of your profile from public view.

Personal Details - Here, you can edit your profile to include some personal details about yourself. This is also where you set your favorite teams. That is how you will get the team icons below your signature like you'll see below this post.

Contact Details - Here you can set up your other identities. Adding usernames into those identity fields will automatically add links to those sites below your signature, similar to the ones you see below this post.

Alert Preferences - Set up when you would like to receive alerts from the site. Please note that alerts are not emails. Alerts will be added to your alert tab, similar to Facebook (for those of you who use it).

Again, welcome to TCZ. If there's anything you need help with feel free to PM me any time. If you're having trouble logging in, contact me using this form so we can get it figured out.
Welcome to the trading card forum of the future!

Welcome to everyone I know, don't know, will get to know and everyone else! :D
Welcome to all of the new members, looks like there a lot of active members. let us know if you have any questions about the site
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TCZ!!! Thank you for having us. As one of the original founders of TCG is was hard to see it go but looking forward to posting, chatting, reading, viewing, etc.. on here. Thanks, Rob

P.S. - Watch out for sliqwill.
Just want to let all the new members that there is still a few days left to vote on the 2013 TCZ Awards, would be a great way to see what has been happening on TCZ over the past year.
I would also like to invite the new members to check out the 2014 Take a Card, Leave a Card and hopefully get some people to join in on the fun! We are over half way through the first round but everyone os welcome to join in be added to the bottom of the list. I plan on keeping this going throughout the entire year.
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TCZ!!! Thank you for having us. As one of the original founders of TCG is was hard to see it go but looking forward to posting, chatting, reading, viewing, etc.. on here. Thanks, Rob

P.S. - Watch out for sliqwill.

If you click on Members, he is already the most "notable" member of the board.