TCZ Card Giveaway I

Just a reminder that we're still waiting on 1 more entry into this free giveaway.
OK Mike, Add me on the 10th spot!

With that, we have our 10! Now here's how this is going to work. I'm going to go to to determine the winner, and I'll post the entire list here. I will PM the first person on the list and they will have 48 hours to PM me their address. If they do not, the prize will automatically be given to the next person in the random list. We'll continue down the list until I receive an address from a winner. The results will be posted shortly. said:
There were 10 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

5. waxgeeks
3. pwolantern
6. patchguy2011
8. Icrackwax
1. Cool_Hand_Flash
9. captkirk42
10. redwing40
4. franklinguy52
7. nycsesneproductions
2. Ronaldinho0003

Timestamp: 2012-05-20 23:56:19 UTC

You have randomized this list 5 times.

So, I will now send a PM to waxgeeks and he'll have 48 hours to respond.
waxgeeks has about 4.5 hours to PM me before his winnings are forfeited and transferred to Ken (pwolantern).