Yet another reaming from Upper Dork


Massive Jackson Stalker
Just got my redemption replacements from my Ronnie Brown Foundations auto from almost 2 years ago. Got a Joe Klopfenstein Ultimate #d 15/35, a Kevin Curtis Ultimate auto #d 18/99 and an Eli Manning Ultimate auto/jersey #d 13/35. I asked for Steven Jackson, Jared Zabransky or Michael you see any of those names in there??? Pist.
well its not super bad the Eli is nice but atleast they could give you something you want

The bad think is that I've called them every 2 weeks for the last 6 months for the replacements and they told me that they would "hook me up" I can't get more than $10 out of the Curtis and Klop, and maybe $30 for the Eli.
Thats bullcrap! Get back on the horn! Klop and Curtis?

So to recap:

You were owed a ROY runnerup in Ronnie Brown

You got a backup TE, a #3 receiver, and a SOMEWHAT decent QB in exchange?

Tell them you will keep the Manning but a bs TE and a career #3 receiver are NOT adequate replacements.

Thats bullcrap! Get back on the horn! Klop and Curtis?

So to recap:

You were owed a ROY runnerup in Ronnie Brown

You got a backup TE, a #3 receiver, and a SOMEWHAT decent QB in exchange?

Tell them you will keep the Manning but a bs TE and a career #3 receiver are NOT adequate replacements.


Think you pretty much hit the nail on the head Chris.
Oh, I feel your pain, I had a BK redemption of a Dwight Howard auto'd card that UD says they never made, but I recall seeing one about a year ago;I was 45 days shy of celebrating my 2 year anniversary waiting. After numerous phone calls about a replacement auto, I specified that I wanted a Brad Smith Exquisite auto RC. The values were approx. the same by admission of UD, guess what I got sent....................
Brad Smith Sweet Spot mini helmet auto RC and D'Brickashaw Sweet Spot mini helmet auto. I already have 3 others of the BS and just don't feel like fighting anymore, so if someone comes by a BS Exquisite on the cheap, think of me. I'm missing one of those and a Gold Refractor auto (Bow Chrome) that Sliq has made known I have no chance of , what with his cornering the market.
you got scans? I might buy the Eli from you.

I do:



And YES, that is a pen mark on the bottom right side of the Manning. PIST.
Thats bullcrap! Get back on the horn! Klop and Curtis?

So to recap:

You were owed a ROY runnerup in Ronnie Brown

You got a backup TE, a #3 receiver, and a SOMEWHAT decent QB in exchange?

Tell them you will keep the Manning but a bs TE and a career #3 receiver are NOT adequate replacements.


#2 receiver
why am i the only one to find it a great replacement?

This IS NOT because i'm a giants fan...

The Eli Manning sells well, and the other 2 aren't terrible, PLUS ronnie brown doesnt sell very well to begin with.

I think in BV and in SV you made out. but thats imo of course.
why am i the only one to find it a great replacement?

This IS NOT because i'm a giants fan...

The Eli Manning sells well, and the other 2 aren't terrible, PLUS ronnie brown doesnt sell very well to begin with.

I think in BV and in SV you made out. but thats imo of course.

I would have to agree with you. I would be happy with that.
Sorry to hear that.....but alcohol and a Q-Tip should get rid of that stray mark.......I have to mark surfaces of scanners at work with a sharpie......and before we send the scanners back to the customers, I use alcohol and a sharpie, and it gets rid of it........hope my saying this doesn't piss any one off or's not like I'm telling him to shave down the edges.
I don't think that is bad at all. Ronnie Brown isn't that good and the card would be worth about the same as the replacements you got. Not fantastic, but better than most. How about we worry about the people really getting screwed rather than bothering them about an even value replacement. Your card was from a craptastic product, you got three Ultimate cards, I wouldn't be upset. Anyway, not trying to attack you or anything but it seems silly to complain about that replacement as it isn't that bad IMO.