WTTF/WTT 2024 Topps Archives


5.00 star(s)
BVs are out now so I am open for trading into finishing off this set. Thanks in advance for any help.

2024 TOPPS ARCHIVES NEEDS – updated 1/25/25

5, 14, 37, 51, 70, 89, 92, 156, 167, 196, 200, 214, 217, 264, 274, 283, 287

2024 TOPPS ARCHIVES TRADERS – updated 1/25/25

2, 19, 31, 36, 68, 83, 98, 107, 123, 126, 127, 129, 134, 137, 139, 151, 165, 180, 186, 187, 190, 199, 223, 227, 228, 237, 298

I will be listing my parallels as soon as I get them all sorted. Not really wanting to trade them for base, but if you have any Braves inserts/parallels and want something in kind then let me know and we can try and work something out.
I have noticed this set is a bit harder to distinguish among some of the parallels and have had to resort to using the card codes to determine whether, for instance, a card is a black border (119), black foil (131) or black refractor (143). After you read the code and then look at the card you can see the differences but dadgum it is not readily apparent to me, anyway.
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I have these #'s5,156,214,225,250,271,287
PLMK Jerry
Jerry, getting harder and harder to hit your wants, pretty much down to just a few:
2023 Topps Heritage 35 L Nootbaar 0.75
2023 Topps Pro Debut PD-161 M Winn 3.00
and this one which is not on your list but I did come across
2024 Topps Big League TBL-25 M Winn 4.00
LMK if interested in this last one, otherwise I guess it's a washout.
At this point I am down to only needing four from your list: 5, 156, 214 and 287 BV total 8.40
Thx Carlton