WTTF Sweet Spot's & Sweet Sig's Auto's Any Year!!!!

i have the bryan myrow auto would you trade it for a basketball. To be honest make me an offer for the myrow i'm interested in any of the basketball or i will sell for $10 dlvd.
I have a 04 Kearns Sweet Spot Auto...MAinly looking for JOhnny Bench, 2005-2007 Finest Refractors, 2005 upper deck classics /399, 04 autographics, 05 dk framed red or serial numbered stars a little in my favor. (ALL BASEBALL!!!!)
Hi I have this for trade 2004 UD SWEET SPOT BALL AUTO ROGER CRAIG 1955 DODGERS . PLMK iff instereted.
I have a Tyler Yates swet spot auto. Not 100% on the year because I don't have it sitting here, but lmk if you want it.