
Bench Warmer
Looking for Autos, Patches, GU'd only right now. Bucket is 99.9% up to date, so please make sure I have something you're interested in before posting what you have. Just saves time.
kennyandsharon said:
Interested in some of your yankee cards especially the Clemens/Posada yankee dynasty

Pictures by ksm93_photos - Photobucket
Saw alot of stuff in your bucket I could use. Before we keep going, just so you know, the Clemens/Posada books for 50.00. Usually surprises most people.
Ok, of yours what I like is
04 Yaz Red Sox Forever
09 Topps Tribute Pujols
03 Topps Tribute Ripken
09 UD Ballpark Quad Halladay/Blalock/Wood/Ramirez
03 Flair Greats Reese
07 Sweet Spot Classic Maurey Wills
03 Leaf Fabric of the Game Wood
02 Topps Archive Niekro
07 SPx Derrek Lee
08 Topps Triple Threads Beltran

Let me know exactly what you're interested in of mine and make me an offer.