WTTF 2022 Topps Chrome Rays, Rockies and Dodgers

Have these 22 Topps Chrome base if of any interest:
27 Story
71 N Cruz
83 J Lowe
84 Pujols
85 Vilade
106 Bellinger
134 Brujan
219 Marquez
Just LMK
I have completed my Chrome set, so no needs there.
Do you have any dupes from other sets? I would be happy with a like trade of Braves card(s) of same value.
Also, do you need any other Chrome, or any other Rays from other sets? I have 22 Bowman Platinum, A&G, Archives, Update and Gallery.
Maybe we could make a larger trade, but if not, I am okay with a small pwe.
Thanks, Carlton
Dennis, I have made a trade today which included the N Cruz and Brujan cards, so they are no longer available. I do admit I had forgotten about this conversation. Sorry about this. Carlton
I have
28 walls
91 brujan
104 romero
139 pinto
197 kluber
28 walls
139 pinto
193 paredes
197 kluber
I’m interested in the following from your tradelist:
Sheffield RC
Schilling RC
Devers RC
DeGrom RC
Julio Bowman Prospects
Thomas RC
Soto RC
Verlander RC

Not sure on BVs and I likely can find more update for you. I picked a few to have options.
The 05 Verlander is gone, the 18 Chrome Update may be more than i want to trade for them. Any others if i have them are available for trade.
I can add the McClanhan and also have a Lowe finest refractor if that is off interest. I'd like the Soto if we can add it, but also understand I need to add to what we have so far.