Will the Card Prices drop ...


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
Keep your comments on the subject of the card prices only and ALL comments civil. This thread is about Book Values not about guilty or not guilty.

With the recent accusations involving Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice do you think the Book Values of their cards will increase or decrease?
I think this is a fairly complicated question...and I think the answer is different for the two players.

I'll start with Ray Rice. I think it is going to affect his card values in a negative way going forward. IMHO, Ray Rice has been a "good" running back but he is not an all-time great one. I was trying to come up with an "old" running back to compare him too and Chris Warren comes to mind from 20 years ago. He was a very good player for his time, but isn't be remember as a historically great player. I think Rice will be remembered the same way. At age 27, he isn't "past his prime" but I would say he is probably starting to decline. If he gets reinstated...I'll bet he is out of football for at least a year. I'm not sure someone will want to pick him up at age 28 with the baggage that comes with him. The hobby's last memory of Ray Rice might be him being banned for domestic abuse. I feel that will negative affect his card values going forward.

I think Adrian Peterson is different. Although he is older than Rice, he has proven to still be one of the best running backs in the league. I believe when it is all said and done...he will be a first ballot Hall of Famer and considered among the greatest running backs of all time. I highly doubt he is going to miss significant playing time following this recent incident. I don't want to dive too far into the "crime" aspect of it...but I also think the public will be a little more forgiving of AP. AP clearly went overboard with what he did...but I think a lot of people approve of spanking. Yes, he went too far, but I just have a funny feeling that because some might consider his "intentions" to be appropriate, it will help him mend image long term. I expect his cards to possibly have a small price drop in the short term...but in the long term will be unaffected.