Bench Warmer
Come on.. tell the stories of your best and worst pack/box/case pulls
Once when I was younger - about 13y.o, my dad wasn't really happy about my card collecting as he didn't understood it. Remember I am from Australia
One day I begged him to take me to the local card shop and he reluctantly agreed and I bought a couple of 96'97 Fleer packs.
I pulled one of the best card in those days...
96'97 Fleer thrillseeker - JORDAN. Old day BV was $200.
We were already in the car heading home and I begged him to turn around so I could get a "plastic card protector" for it and hopefully sell it.
He was like... nah another day.
I am like but this card is SO VALUABLE.
He didn't believe me lol
Eventually he caved into my whingeing haha
He got the shock of his life when the shop offered me $50 and I rejected it.
After that he never questioned my 'worthless cards' ever again
My worst pull was a box of 05 Finest, A full box not mini boxes.
I didn't even get an auto - Enuff said
Come on guys share your good memories of pulling MOJOS
Once when I was younger - about 13y.o, my dad wasn't really happy about my card collecting as he didn't understood it. Remember I am from Australia
One day I begged him to take me to the local card shop and he reluctantly agreed and I bought a couple of 96'97 Fleer packs.
I pulled one of the best card in those days...
96'97 Fleer thrillseeker - JORDAN. Old day BV was $200.
We were already in the car heading home and I begged him to turn around so I could get a "plastic card protector" for it and hopefully sell it.
He was like... nah another day.
I am like but this card is SO VALUABLE.
He didn't believe me lol
Eventually he caved into my whingeing haha
He got the shock of his life when the shop offered me $50 and I rejected it.
After that he never questioned my 'worthless cards' ever again
My worst pull was a box of 05 Finest, A full box not mini boxes.
I didn't even get an auto - Enuff said
Come on guys share your good memories of pulling MOJOS