What the hell is happening here?


retired hippie
Wasn't sure where to put this, decided here.

I have an auction going - (link bad) 2/11/14 after merg searching for correct link
.99 cents to start. It's double what the last 2 have sold for & the guy that's high bid was not the winner on the others. Guy is from Finland which is not on my accepted bids list but I'm not going to boot him. I find it hard to believe the guy he beat out had that much of a bid. The auction shouldn't get any more bids, very glad I didn't list BIN.

Off to the Zoo, see yall later
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i don't know anything about him but that's always nice when you get a couple whack-a-dos fighting
Nice I sold that Downie Patch i had for 85.00 very nice sale all the rest were going for 50. to 60