Welcome To 2016!


TP9 | VC15
5.00 star(s)
Well, another year has come and gone. I think it's safe to say that I didn't meet my collecting goals for 2015, although since I don't remember what they were I can't be 100% for certain.

Collecting Goals

This year I'm going to focus solely on my PC. Not necessarily only Cowboys and Spurs, but on things that I really don't want to get rid of. I'm going to try my darndest to move every single card in my collection that isn't one I consider to be PC.

Personal Goals

This one isn't really just a 2016 goal, but since I just started it I may as well call it that. My goal is to lose at least 50 lbs by my birthday, which is at the end of June. That gives me 6 months, and I'm already 16 lbs down, because I actually started this 2 weeks ago, so I'm well on my way. Not only that, but I'd like to spend a little more time outdoors with my kids, after it warms back up of course.

Site Goals

I guess this is one that is unique to me, but I've got some things I've been working on for a while (years maybe?) that I want to get done for TCZ. Without giving out too much detail on everything I will say that the biggest thing to come this year will be a new marketplace that collectors can use to "buy and sell" cards.

Well, there you have it. Those are my goals for the next year, or really for the start of this year. I'm hoping none of those things actually take me an entire year.

Have any of you set any goals that you'd like to meet before 2017 gets here?
I don't know how large of a man you are, but 50 lbs is quite a bit...realistically, id like to be 50 lbs lighter, but I don't see that happening, I haven't been on a scale since I started working again, but pretty much everything I lost over the summer working I put back on in my 2 months between gigs...not sure what ive lost, but I was 222 mid November...

collecting wise, ill be doing the same, flipping junk lots to make a little cash and make a nice PC...I think I did pretty well for 2015, but would like to do more this year...
I don't know how large of a man you are, but 50 lbs is quite a bit

It is quite a bit, and that's just my primary goal. When I reach that I'll likely set a new goal to reach in a given amount of time, but I thought 50 lbs in 6 months should be doable so I'm starting with that. When I started I was 105lbs heavier than when I graduated high school (298 lbs). Now I'm down to 282 lbs, and just focusing on that 245 mark. My ultimate goal is to be around 215-220.

How am I planning on reaching that goal? I really love my food so rather than changing "what" I eat, I've just cut back on the amount. Not quite cutting it in half, but lowering it substantially. I've also started riding a stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes (hoping to bump that to every day, but starting out slow). Right now I'm using a program called "couch-2-5k", which alternates "running" and "walking", but since it's easier on the feet and joints I'm doing it on a bike. I just ride at around 10-12 mph when it's saying to walk and give it everything I've got when it says to run. I'm also doing a full body workout on the bowflex 3 times a week (on days I'm not on the bike). I take Sunday off. I figure losing weight is a given considering I'm burning more calories than I was before, even if it's just a small amount, and I'm taking less calories in.
yeah, I went from walking/standing about 2 hours a day and driving about 6 with my old job as a rent-a-cop to walking/standing 5-10 hours a day with some lifting, as I now work at the post office, mostly sorting boxes, so lots of bending, lifting, throwing, and walking around...

when I graduated high school I was like 5'7" 120 at 17?...I know when I left for the Navy I was 5'9" 133, at 19, when I left san diego at 24 I was about 180, when I got out of the Navy at 27 I was 195, and now at 37 I go for about 220, but ive been as high as 235...and the fun one, at 15 when I got my blue slip (driving permit), I was 5'4" 92lbs...

I was skin and bones in high school, ate tons of fast food, and was pretty strong for my weight, when I worked fast food, I remember carrying 105 pounds of fries around on a regular basis, and now, lifting and walking with that would leave me out of breath...

I think at 175 I would be at 'ideal' weight for me, though magazines and such say I should be like 140 or something...at 175 I was a 32 or 34 inch waist, now im at 39...

one of the things ive done is to try to eat salad twice a week...of course, its about the only vegetables I consume, and I toss in some salad toppings crunchy stuff that has sunflower seeds, bacon bits, and some other stuff, and grilled/baked chicken with lots of 1000 island, and of course cheese...I get the premixed salad stuff at the store, usually romaine, as I prefer it over iceberg, and then they have some 'power booster' stuff that has various assorted greens and such in it...

also, I like to start my morning with a juice, I really like this peach mango thing that my Walmart sells, so I am getting some good vitamins and such

good luck with the weight loss...I don't have a 'goal' weight that im trying to hit, but I have lots of cool boardshorts and tshirts that fit me when I get skinnier...
I have lots of cool boardshorts and tshirts that fit me when I get skinnier...

I have a lone pair of jeans that were too small when I bought them (stupid online shopping) like 10 years ago. I'm hoping to get into those at some point along this journey.
I still do not have a ted Williams certified autograph in my red sox collection HELP ME
thanks rob
Yeah I didn't make my 2015 collecting goals. I only really had one to complete the 1965 Topps Baseball set. Stuck at only about a 3rd complete 214/598 (216/600) plus about 7 or 8 above that. So I'll continue my goal for that into 2016. I also want to get the Will Ferrell Topps Archives base cards but I ain't paying more than $5 each on those and not paying $50+ for the ten of them. It would be nice to get them for less than $30 for the set more like less than $20. Yes I am very cheap. Maybe in a year or two they will be that cheap cause everyone who has them is trying to sell them and never got any bites for their over-the-top prices.
Main collecting goal is to make space and getting some (if not a lot) of medium flat rate boxes out for trade or sale. The years of collecting is adding up. Got to get the ambition to do ....maybe this coming week I'll work on one or two.
Got to get the ambition

That's my problem. I need to get all the cards I want to trade scanned and uploaded so people can see what all I have to move. I rarely have the hours to just sit here scanning/posting, but hopefully I will soon!
I think we all have the same pb. taking the time to scan all our cards available for trade or sale should almost be our priority but we are focused on the cards we want first....
Collecting Goals will be to continue to add Seahawk and UCLA rookies to my PC, continue to search for 1/1 Contenders Autos of both plus trimming the want/searching for list.

Personal Goals will be to enjoy my kids while they still want to spend time with me and continue to grow professionally.

Id love to post more but with the young ones around the house I don't get on the computer as much.

Go Hawks!
Collecting Goals will be to continue to add Seahawk and UCLA rookies to my PC, continue to search for 1/1 Contenders Autos of both plus trimming the want/searching for list.

Personal Goals will be to enjoy my kids while they still want to spend time with me and continue to grow professionally.

Id love to post more but with the young ones around the house I don't get on the computer as much.

Go Hawks!

whoa, Jon is posting?...with your UCLA contenders, what are your thoughts on all the levels they have out now with the base, photo variant, season ticket, playoff ticket, cracked ice and super bowl ticket?

don't give up on the weird stuff searches, I mean, its not everyday someone lands an Exquisite Holofoil David Greene...
My collecting goal for 2016 is to finish the 2014 Prizm Football Deone Bucannon Autograph Rainbow I am working on. I currently have 14 of the 18 needed to finish the rainbow. If anyone has the NFL Shield version #'d to 35, the Green #'d to 60, the Gold #'d to 10, or the big one The Black Finite 1/1 then I will be super happy because I will have finished it! My personal goal is also to lose weight (probably 30 pounds) but also I just graduated from Washington State University with my B.A. in Communication this past December and I accepted an internship with the Arizona Rattlers AFL franchise starting in February! Finally my Site Goal is to be on here more often and hopefully get some more trades done and be in Secret Santa like I was in the past.
I just graduated from Washington State University with my B.A. in Communication this past December and I accepted an internship with the Arizona Rattlers AFL franchise starting in February

Congrats on this!!

Good luck with the rainbow. Ridiculous that there are 18 of each card. Wish I could help you with it.